Aggregation Framework

Introduction to the Aggregation Framework and its pipeline operators for performing complex data transformations and analysis.

MongoDB $group Stage: Grouping and Accumulating Data

Understanding the $group Stage

The $group stage in MongoDB's aggregation pipeline is a powerful tool for summarizing and analyzing data. It allows you to group documents based on a specified key and perform aggregate calculations on those groups. This essentially lets you answer questions like "What is the average value of X for each category Y?" or "How many documents belong to each distinct Z value?".

In essence, $group combines documents that have the same value for a specific field (or combination of fields) and then applies aggregate operators to compute values for each group. This enables you to create insightful summaries and reports directly from your MongoDB data.

Leveraging the $group Stage for Grouping and Aggregate Calculations

The $group stage requires at least one field: _id. The _id field specifies the expression by which to group the documents. This can be a single field name, a computed expression using aggregation operators, or null to group all documents into a single group (which is useful for calculating overall statistics).

Here's the basic syntax:

    $group: {
      _id: <expression>, // Grouping key (can be a field name, expression, or null)
      <field1>: { <accumulator1>: <expression1> },
      <field2>: { <accumulator2>: <expression2> },
  • _id: The expression used to group the documents. If you want to group all documents into a single group, use _id: null.
  • <field1>, <field2>, ...: These are the new fields that will be created in the output documents. Each field is assigned a value based on an accumulator operator.
  • <accumulator1>, <accumulator2>, ...: These are aggregation operators (accumulators) like $sum, $avg, $min, $max, $push, $addToSet, etc., that calculate values for each group.
  • <expression1>, <expression2>, ...: These are the expressions that the accumulator operators operate on. Usually, this will be a field name from the input documents.

Common Accumulator Operators:

  • $sum: Calculates the sum of values.
  • $avg: Calculates the average of values.
  • $min: Finds the minimum value.
  • $max: Finds the maximum value.
  • $first: Returns the first document in each group.
  • $last: Returns the last document in each group.
  • $push: Returns an array of values from each group.
  • $addToSet: Returns an array of unique values from each group (like $push but eliminates duplicates).
  • $stdDevPop: Calculates the population standard deviation.
  • $stdDevSamp: Calculates the sample standard deviation.
  • $count: Returns the number of items in a group. It's more performant to use $count after a $group.


Consider a collection of documents representing sales data:

    { "_id": 1, "item": "ABC", "price": 10, "quantity": 2, "category": "Electronics" },
    { "_id": 2, "item": "XYZ", "price": 5, "quantity": 10, "category": "Clothing" },
    { "_id": 3, "item": "ABC", "price": 10, "quantity": 5, "category": "Electronics" },
    { "_id": 4, "item": "PQR", "price": 20, "quantity": 1, "category": "Clothing" }

To calculate the total quantity sold for each category:

      $group: {
        _id: "$category", // Group by the 'category' field
        totalQuantity: { $sum: "$quantity" } // Calculate the sum of 'quantity' for each group

This would result in:

    { "_id": "Electronics", "totalQuantity": 7 },
    { "_id": "Clothing", "totalQuantity": 11 }

This tells us that 7 units of electronics and 11 units of clothing were sold in total.

Grouping by Multiple Fields:

You can group by multiple fields by creating a compound key in the _id field:

      $group: {
        _id: { category: "$category", item: "$item" },
        totalQuantity: { $sum: "$quantity" }

This would group by both `category` and `item`, allowing you to find the total quantity for each *combination* of category and item.

By carefully choosing the grouping key and the appropriate accumulator operators, the $group stage becomes an indispensable tool for data analysis within MongoDB.