Inserting Documents

Detailed explanation of inserting single and multiple documents into a collection with various data types.

MongoDB Essentials: Working with Various Data Types


MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that stores data in JSON-like documents. Understanding and correctly utilizing various data types is crucial for efficient data management and querying. This document outlines common MongoDB data types, demonstrates how to insert documents containing them, and emphasizes the importance of consistent data typing.

MongoDB Data Types

1. String

Represents text. Enclosed in double quotes. Examples:

  • "Hello, World!"
  • "MongoDB is awesome"

2. Number

MongoDB supports both integers and decimals (floating-point numbers).


Whole numbers without a decimal point. MongoDB internally uses different integer types (e.g., 32-bit, 64-bit). Examples:

  • 42
  • -10
  • 0

Decimals (Double)

Numbers with a decimal point. Represented as double-precision floating-point numbers (64-bit IEEE 754 standard). Examples:

  • 3.14
  • -2.718
  • 0.0

3. Boolean

Represents a truth value: true or false.

4. Date

Stores dates and times. MongoDB stores dates as a 64-bit integer representing the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970). Dates are represented using the ISODate() constructor or through other date manipulation methods.

5. Array

An ordered list of values. Arrays can contain elements of different data types. Enclosed in square brackets. Examples:

  • [1, 2, 3, 4]
  • ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
  • [1, "hello", true, 3.14]

6. Embedded Document (Object)

A nested JSON-like document within another document. Represents a complex structure. Enclosed in curly braces within the outer document.

7. ObjectId

A 12-byte hexadecimal number that uniquely identifies a document within a collection. MongoDB automatically generates an ObjectId for each document upon insertion unless one is explicitly provided. It's highly recommended to let MongoDB manage these.

8. Null

Represents the absence of a value. Written as null.

Inserting Documents with Various Data Types

The following code demonstrates how to insert a document into a MongoDB collection with different data types using the MongoDB shell.

    item: "journal",
    qty: 25,
    size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: "cm" },
    status: "A",
    tags: ["blank", "red"],
    createdDate: ISODate("2023-10-27T10:00:00Z"),
    price: 19.99,
    inStock: true,
    description: null,
    _id: ObjectId("653c149a3b8449b1793c437d")


  • item: String ("journal")
  • qty: Number (Integer: 25)
  • size: Embedded Document (Contains height, width, and unit of measure)
  • status: String ("A")
  • tags: Array of strings (["blank", "red"])
  • createdDate: Date (Using ISODate() to specify the date)
  • price: Number (Decimal: 19.99)
  • inStock: Boolean (true)
  • description: Null (null)
  • _id: ObjectId (Providing an explicit ObjectId, although typically MongoDB generates this automatically)

You can verify the insertion using db.inventory.find() in the MongoDB shell.


Importance of Consistent Data Types

Maintaining consistent data types across your documents is crucial for several reasons:

  • Query Performance: Queries become more efficient and predictable when data types are consistent. MongoDB can optimize queries based on known data types.
  • Data Integrity: Consistent data types help ensure the accuracy and reliability of your data. Prevents unexpected errors due to type mismatches.
  • Aggregation Pipeline: Aggregation pipelines rely on consistent data types to perform calculations and transformations correctly.
  • Indexing: Consistent data types are essential for efficient indexing. Inconsistent types can lead to indexes not being used effectively.
  • Application Logic: Consistent data types simplify application development. Developers can rely on expected types when processing data.

Example of Inconsistent Data Types (Avoid):

  // Document 1
{ item: "Notebook", price: 15.99 }

// Document 2
{ item: "Pencil", price: "10" }  // Price is a string! 

In the above example, the price field is a number in the first document and a string in the second. This inconsistency can lead to issues when performing calculations or comparisons on the price field.

Best Practices:

  • Schema Design: Carefully design your schema and define the expected data types for each field.
  • Data Validation: Implement data validation logic in your application or use MongoDB's schema validation features (available in newer versions) to enforce data types.
  • Data Transformation: If you receive data from external sources, transform it to match the expected data types before inserting it into MongoDB.