Updating Documents

Explore different update operators ($set, $inc, $push, $pull, etc.) and methods to modify existing documents in a collection.

MongoDB Essentials: Updating Documents with Upsert

What is Upsert?

In MongoDB, upsert stands for "update or insert." It's a powerful option you can use with update operations to either modify an existing document based on a specified query, or, if no matching document is found, insert a brand new document that satisfies both the query and the update criteria.

Essentially, upsert provides a convenient and atomic way to either update a document or create it if it doesn't exist. This avoids the need to first check if a document exists before deciding whether to update or insert, simplifying your code and potentially improving performance.

Introduction to Using the upsert Option

The upsert option is available in MongoDB's update methods, such as updateOne(), updateMany(), and findAndModify(). When you set upsert: true, MongoDB will behave as follows:

  • If a matching document is found based on the query: The document will be updated according to the update operation specified.
  • If no matching document is found: A new document will be inserted. The query document will be used as the base for the new document, combined with any updates specified in the update operation. Crucially, the query document acts as the initial state before the update is applied to create the new document. Any fields specified in the query that are *not* also included in the update document will be part of the newly inserted document.


Let's say we have a collection called products, and we want to update the price of a product with the name "Widget". If the "Widget" product doesn't exist, we want to create it with a default price.

        { name: "Widget" },
        { $set: { price: 25.00 } },
        { upsert: true }


  • db.products.updateOne(): We're using the updateOne() method to update a single document.
  • { name: "Widget" }: This is our query. We're looking for a document where the name field is equal to "Widget".
  • { $set: { price: 25.00 } }: This is the update operation. We're using the $set operator to set the price field to 25.00.
  • { upsert: true }: This is the key! We're telling MongoDB to use the upsert behavior.


  • If a document with name: "Widget" exists: Its price will be updated to 25.00.
  • If no document with name: "Widget" exists: A new document will be inserted into the products collection with the following structure: { name: "Widget", price: 25.00 }.

Important Considerations:

  • _id Field: If the new document does not have an _id field specified in the query or update, MongoDB will automatically generate a unique _id for the new document.
  • Data Types: Ensure the data types in your query and update operations are consistent to avoid unexpected results.
  • Performance: Using indexes on the query fields (in this case, name) can significantly improve the performance of upsert operations, especially in large collections.

Upsert provides a clean and efficient way to handle common update-or-insert scenarios in MongoDB. By understanding how it works, you can write more concise and robust data management code.