Querying Documents

Learn about different query operators ($eq, $gt, $lt, $in, etc.) and how to construct complex queries to retrieve specific documents.

MongoDB $exists and $type Operators: Essentials


This document explains the MongoDB $exists and $type operators, which are essential tools for querying your data based on field existence and data type. Understanding these operators is crucial for crafting precise and efficient queries.

Element Operators: $exists and $type

MongoDB element operators focus on the structure of your documents, allowing you to filter based on the presence or type of fields. The two most commonly used are $exists and $type.


The $exists operator checks whether a specified field exists in a document. It accepts a boolean value:

  • true: Matches documents that contain the field.
  • false: Matches documents that do *not* contain the field.


 { field: { $exists: <boolean> } } 

Example: Suppose you have a collection named products with the following documents:

    { "_id": 1, "name": "Laptop", "price": 1200, "category": "Electronics" },
    { "_id": 2, "name": "Book", "price": 25, "author": "Jane Doe" },
    { "_id": 3, "name": "Tablet", "price": 300, "category": "Electronics", "discount": true }

To find all products that have a category field:

 db.products.find( { category: { $exists: true } } ) 

This query would return documents with _id 1 and 3. To find all products that do *not* have a category field:

 db.products.find( { category: { $exists: false } } ) 

This query would return the document with _id 2.


The $type operator selects documents where the value of the specified field matches a given BSON type.


 { field: { $type: <BSON type> } } 

<BSON type> can be specified as a string alias (e.g., "string", "int", "double", "bool", "array", "object", "date") or as a number (see the MongoDB documentation for a complete list).

Example (Continuing from the previous `products` collection):

To find all products where the price field is a double:

 db.products.find( { price: { $type: "double" } } ) 

If you insert a document with price as double e.g. 1200.0, it would return the relevant document. Normally it will return the empty document.

To find all products where the price field is a number (integer or double):

 db.products.find( { price: { $type: "number" } } ) 

To find all products where the discount field is a boolean:

 db.products.find( { discount: { $type: "bool" } } ) 

This query would return the document with _id 3.

Using $exists and $type Together

You can combine $exists and $type to refine your queries further. For instance, you can find documents that *have* a specific field and *that field* is of a specific type.

Example: Find documents that *have* the discount field *and* the discount field is a boolean.

 db.products.find( { discount: { $exists: true, $type: "bool" } } ) 

This is a more robust query than just using $type alone, as it ensures the field exists before checking its type, avoiding potential errors or unexpected results if the field is missing.

Practical Considerations

  • Data Validation: Use $exists and $type in data validation scripts to ensure data consistency and integrity.
  • Query Optimization: Knowing your data types can help you write more efficient queries, especially when dealing with large datasets.
  • Handling Missing Data:$exists is invaluable for handling scenarios where fields are optional or not consistently populated.