Basic TypeScript Compiler Options

Understand the core options for the TypeScript compiler (tsconfig.json) and how to configure them for your project.

Extending TypeScript Configurations: Code Reuse and Consistency

As your TypeScript projects grow, you'll likely want to reuse configuration settings across multiple projects or sub-projects. Instead of duplicating the same settings in each tsconfig.json file, you can leverage the extends option to inherit and extend configurations.

What is the extends Option?

The extends option in a tsconfig.json file allows you to inherit settings from another tsconfig.json file. This promotes code reuse, maintains consistency across projects, and simplifies configuration management.

How to Use extends

The extends option specifies the path to the base tsconfig.json file that you want to extend. The path can be:

  • Relative: Relative to the current tsconfig.json file. For example: "extends": "./tsconfig.base.json"
  • Absolute: An absolute path to the file.
  • NPM Package: The name of an NPM package containing a tsconfig.json file. For example: "extends": "@tsconfig/recommended" (This requires installing the NPM package first.)

Example: Creating a Base Configuration

First, let's create a base configuration file named tsconfig.base.json:

// tsconfig.base.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "strict": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true

This base configuration defines common compiler options like target ECMAScript version, module system, and strict mode.

Example: Extending the Base Configuration

Now, let's create a project-specific tsconfig.json file that extends the base configuration:

// tsconfig.json
  "extends": "./tsconfig.base.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./dist"
  "include": [

In this example, the tsconfig.json file extends tsconfig.base.json. It also adds project-specific settings like the output directory (outDir) and the files to include (include).

How Extending Works: The Order of Precedence

When a tsconfig.json file extends another, the settings in the extending file take precedence. If a property is defined in both the base and extending configurations, the value from the extending configuration will be used. Essentially, the extending configuration *overrides* or *adds to* the base configuration.

In the example above:

  • The compilerOptions from tsconfig.base.json are inherited.
  • The compilerOptions from tsconfig.json *add* to the inherited options by defining outDir.
  • The include option is only defined in tsconfig.json, so it's simply added.

Benefits of Using extends

  • Code Reuse: Avoid duplicating the same configuration settings across multiple projects.
  • Consistency: Enforce consistent coding standards and compiler settings across your codebase.
  • Simplified Maintenance: Update common settings in a single base configuration file, and all extending configurations will automatically inherit the changes.
  • Organization: Helps structure configurations for complex projects, making them easier to manage and understand.

Extending from NPM Packages (e.g., @tsconfig/recommended)

You can also extend from configurations provided by NPM packages. This is particularly useful for using community-recommended TypeScript settings. For example:

  1. Install the package:
    npm install --save-dev @tsconfig/recommended
  2. Extend the configuration:
    // tsconfig.json
      "extends": "@tsconfig/recommended/tsconfig.json",
      "compilerOptions": {
        // Override or add to the recommended options here
      "include": [

The @tsconfig/recommended package provides a solid set of default TypeScript settings. You can then customize these settings by adding or overriding them in your project-specific tsconfig.json file.


The extends option is a powerful tool for managing TypeScript configurations effectively. By leveraging inheritance, you can promote code reuse, maintain consistency, and simplify the maintenance of your TypeScript projects.