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Understanding esModuleInterop in TypeScript

TypeScript for Beginners: Module Interoperability

TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, introduces strong typing and other features that make large-scale JavaScript development easier. A crucial aspect of modern JavaScript development is managing code in modules. TypeScript works with both ES Modules (the standard JavaScript module system) and CommonJS (a module system historically used in Node.js). However, differences in how these systems work can sometimes lead to compatibility issues. This is where esModuleInterop comes into play.

CommonJS Modules: A Quick Overview

CommonJS is a module system used predominantly in Node.js. In CommonJS, you use require() to import modules and module.exports (or exports) to export them.

 // my-module.js (CommonJS)
          module.exports = {
            myFunction: function() {
              console.log("Hello from CommonJS!");

          // app.js (CommonJS)
          const myModule = require('./my-module');

ES Modules: The Standard JavaScript Way

ES Modules (or ECMAScript Modules) are the standardized module system for JavaScript. They use import and export keywords.

 // my-module.js (ES Module)
          export function myFunction() {
            console.log("Hello from ES Module!");

          // app.js (ES Module)
          import { myFunction } from './my-module.js';

The Interoperability Problem

The problem arises when you try to import a CommonJS module into an ES Module or vice versa. CommonJS exports a single object (module.exports), while ES Modules can export multiple named exports. This difference in structure can cause issues when trying to access the exports from one module type in another.

For example, if you try to import a CommonJS module into an ES Module without any adjustments, you might find yourself needing to access the default export like this: import myModule from './my-module'; myModule.default.myFunction();, which can be cumbersome.

'esModuleInterop': Making Modules Play Nice

The esModuleInterop compiler option in TypeScript helps bridge the gap between CommonJS and ES Modules. When enabled (set to true in your tsconfig.json file), TypeScript automatically handles the complexities of importing CommonJS modules into ES Modules, and exporting ES modules to older runtimes. Here's what esModuleInterop does:

  • Simulates ES Module behavior for CommonJS modules: TypeScript creates a namespace import for CommonJS modules, so you can import them as if they were ES Modules. Instead of myModule.default.myFunction(), you can import with a default import: import myModule from './my-module'; myModule.myFunction();
  • Handles default exports: It automatically unwraps the default property when importing a CommonJS module's module.exports.
  • Emits extra code to support older runtimes: If you are targeting older runtimes that might not fully support ES Modules, enabling `esModuleInterop` helps to make the compiled JavaScript more compatible.

How to Enable 'esModuleInterop'

To enable esModuleInterop, add the following to your tsconfig.json file within the compilerOptions object:

            "compilerOptions": {
              "esModuleInterop": true,
              // Other compiler options...

Once enabled, TypeScript will handle the interoperability nuances for you.

Example with esModuleInterop Enabled

Let's say you have a CommonJS module:

 // my-module.js (CommonJS)
          module.exports = {
            greet: function(name) {
              console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

With esModuleInterop enabled, you can import it in your TypeScript code like this:

 // app.ts (TypeScript)
          import myModule from './my-module'; //Import with default import

          myModule.greet("World"); // Call function directly 

Without esModuleInterop, you'd have to do this:

 // app.ts (TypeScript, esModuleInterop disabled)
          import myModule from './my-module';

          myModule.default.greet("World"); // Access the 'default' property 

As you can see, esModuleInterop makes the import and usage much cleaner.

Important Considerations

  • Type Definitions (.d.ts files): Ensure your type definitions are accurate, especially when dealing with libraries that might mix CommonJS and ES Modules. Incorrect definitions can lead to unexpected behavior, even with esModuleInterop enabled.
  • Impact on Output: Enabling `esModuleInterop` might result in slightly larger output code, as it adds helper functions to handle interoperability. However, the improved code clarity and reduced potential for errors usually outweigh this slight increase in bundle size.


esModuleInterop simplifies working with both CommonJS and ES Modules in TypeScript, leading to cleaner, more maintainable code. It's generally recommended to enable it for most TypeScript projects to avoid potential interoperability issues.