Working with the DOM

Learn how to use TypeScript to interact with the DOM and create dynamic web pages.

TypeScript for Beginners: Setting Up Your Environment


Welcome to the world of TypeScript! This guide will walk you through setting up your development environment so you can start writing TypeScript code. We'll cover installing the TypeScript compiler, configuring your editor, and creating a basic project. Let's get started!

Installing the TypeScript Compiler

TypeScript code needs to be compiled into JavaScript to run in a browser or Node.js. The TypeScript compiler (tsc) does this job. Here's how to install it using npm (Node Package Manager, which comes with Node.js):

  1. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. You can download Node.js from npm is included with Node.js. After installation, verify them by opening a terminal and typing:
    node -v
    npm -v
  2. Install TypeScript globally using npm: This allows you to use the tsc command from anywhere in your terminal.
    npm install -g typescript
  3. Verify the installation. Check the TypeScript version:
    tsc -v
    You should see the TypeScript version number displayed.

Configuring Your Editor for TypeScript Support

Most popular code editors have excellent TypeScript support. This includes features like:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Code completion
  • Error checking
  • Refactoring tools

Here's how to configure some popular editors:

Visual Studio Code (Recommended)

VS Code has built-in TypeScript support. You typically don't need to install anything extra. However, you might want to install the "TypeScript Hero" extension for enhanced features.

  1. Install Visual Studio Code.
  2. Open a TypeScript file (.ts) or create one (we'll do that in the next section). VS Code will automatically detect it and enable TypeScript support.

Other Editors (Sublime Text, Atom, etc.)

For other editors, you may need to install a TypeScript plugin or package. Consult your editor's documentation for specific instructions. Search for "TypeScript" in your editor's package manager or extensions marketplace.

Creating a Basic TypeScript Project

Let's create a simple project to test your setup:

  1. Create a new directory for your project:
    mkdir my-typescript-project
    cd my-typescript-project
  2. Create a tsconfig.json file: This file configures the TypeScript compiler. Run the following command to generate a default configuration:
    tsc --init
    This creates a `tsconfig.json` file in your project directory. You can customize this file later to control how your code is compiled.
  3. Create a TypeScript file (index.ts): Add the following code to index.ts:
     function greet(name: string) {
      console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
  4. Compile the TypeScript code: Run the following command in your terminal:
    This will compile index.ts into index.js. If you have errors in your TypeScript code, the compiler will report them.
  5. Run the JavaScript code: You can run the compiled JavaScript code using Node.js:
    node index.js
    You should see "Hello, TypeScript!" printed in your terminal.


You've successfully set up your TypeScript environment and created a basic project. You're now ready to start learning more about TypeScript! Experiment with different code, explore the tsconfig.json options, and consult the TypeScript documentation for more information.