
Introduction to backtracking algorithms. Covers solving constraint satisfaction problems like N-Queens and Sudoku using backtracking.

Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)

What are Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)?

Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) are a type of problem that involve finding values for a set of variables that satisfy a set of constraints. They provide a powerful and general framework for modeling and solving a wide range of problems, from scheduling and resource allocation to puzzle solving and AI planning. The beauty of CSPs lies in their declarative nature; you specify *what* the constraints are, not *how* to solve them. This allows algorithms to be applied generically to a wide range of problems.

At their core, CSPs involve assigning values to variables such that all constraints are satisfied. The challenge lies in the combinatorial explosion of possible assignments, making exhaustive search impractical for many real-world problems. Therefore, efficient algorithms are needed to navigate the search space and find solutions.

Definition of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP)

A CSP is formally defined by three components:

  • Variables (V): A set of variables {V1, V2, ..., Vn}. These are the unknowns we need to assign values to.
  • Domains (D): A set of domains {D1, D2, ..., Dn}, where Di is the set of possible values that variable Vi can take.
  • Constraints (C): A set of constraints {C1, C2, ..., Cm}. Each constraint Ci specifies a relationship between a subset of the variables, restricting the values they can simultaneously take.

A solution to a CSP is an assignment of a value from its domain to each variable such that all constraints are satisfied. A CSP can have zero, one, or multiple solutions.

Common Examples of CSPs

  • Map Coloring: Assign colors to regions on a map such that no two adjacent regions have the same color. Variables are the regions, domains are the possible colors, and constraints specify that adjacent regions must have different colors.
  • N-Queens Problem: Place N queens on an N x N chessboard such that no two queens attack each other (i.e., no two queens are in the same row, column, or diagonal). Variables represent the columns, domains represent the rows, and constraints specify the non-attacking conditions.
  • Sudoku: Fill a 9x9 grid with digits from 1 to 9 such that each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid contains all digits from 1 to 9. Variables represent the empty cells, domains are the digits 1-9, and constraints ensure that each row, column, and subgrid has distinct digits.
  • Scheduling: Assign tasks to time slots and resources, subject to constraints such as task dependencies, resource limitations, and deadlines. Variables are the tasks, domains are the possible time slots and resources, and constraints represent the scheduling requirements.
  • Cryptarithmetic Puzzles: Assign digits to letters in an arithmetic equation such that the equation is valid. Variables are the letters, domains are the digits 0-9, and constraints ensure that each letter represents a unique digit and that the arithmetic equation holds true. A classic example is SEND + MORE = MONEY.

Representing CSPs for Backtracking Solutions

Backtracking is a common algorithm for solving CSPs. To effectively use backtracking, a CSP needs to be represented in a suitable format. Here's how the different components are typically represented:


Variables are often represented as an array or list. Each element in the array represents a single variable. Alternatively, a dictionary can be used where the keys are variable names (e.g., 'region1', 'queen_column_3') and the values initially might be None or a special 'unassigned' value, indicating that no value has been assigned to the variable yet.


Domains are usually represented as a list or set of possible values for each variable. This can be a list of colors (e.g., ['red', 'blue', 'green']) for a map coloring problem, or a range of integers (e.g., [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) for a Sudoku puzzle. A dictionary is often used to associate each variable with its corresponding domain:

domains = {
    'region1': ['red', 'blue', 'green'],
    'region2': ['red', 'blue'],
    'region3': ['green', 'blue']


Constraints are the most complex part of the representation. There are several ways to represent them:

  • Explicit List of Allowed/Disallowed Combinations: For constraints involving a small number of variables and domains, you can explicitly list all the allowed (or disallowed) combinations of values. This is suitable for simple problems.
  • Functions/Predicates: More commonly, constraints are represented as functions or predicates that take an assignment of values to variables as input and return True if the constraint is satisfied and False otherwise. This is more flexible and scalable. For example:
    def different_colors(region1, color1, region2, color2):
        """Constraint: region1 and region2 must have different colors."""
        return color1 != color2
    # Example usage (assuming assignment is stored in a dictionary called 'assignment')
    if 'region1' in assignment and 'region2' in assignment:
        if not different_colors('region1', assignment['region1'], 'region2', assignment['region2']):
            # Constraint violated!
  • Constraint Network (Graph): Represent the CSP as a graph where nodes are variables and edges represent constraints between them. This allows visualizing the relationships between variables and can be useful for constraint propagation techniques.

When implementing backtracking, the constraint checking function is crucial. It will be repeatedly called to ensure that each assignment made during the search process doesn't violate any constraints. Efficient constraint checking is vital for the performance of the backtracking algorithm.