Graph Algorithms - Depth-First Search (DFS)

Covers Depth-First Search (DFS) and its applications like topological sorting, cycle detection, and connected component analysis.

Cycle Detection in Graphs using DFS

Cycle detection is a fundamental problem in graph theory with applications in various fields like network analysis, deadlock detection in operating systems, and data structure validation. Depth-First Search (DFS) is a powerful algorithm that can efficiently determine the presence of cycles in both directed and undirected graphs. This document explains how DFS is used for cycle detection and highlights the differences in its application for directed and undirected graphs.

Depth-First Search (DFS) Explained

DFS is a graph traversal algorithm that explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. It starts at a chosen node (root) and explores its neighbors recursively. It maintains a stack (implicitly through the call stack) to keep track of the nodes it needs to visit. Key components of DFS:

  • Visiting a Node: When a node is visited for the first time, it's marked as 'visited'.
  • Exploring Neighbors: For each unvisited neighbor of the current node, DFS is called recursively on that neighbor.
  • Backtracking: After exploring all neighbors of a node, the algorithm backtracks to the previous node.

Cycle Detection using DFS

The core idea behind using DFS for cycle detection lies in identifying back edges. A back edge is an edge that connects a node to one of its ancestors in the DFS tree. The presence of a back edge implies the existence of a cycle.

Identifying Back Edges During DFS Traversal

To detect back edges, we need to maintain state information for each node during the DFS traversal. We typically use three states:

  • Unvisited: The node has not been visited yet.
  • Visiting (or Gray): The node is currently in the recursion stack (being processed).
  • Visited (or Black): The node and all its descendants have been visited.

During the DFS traversal, when we encounter an edge (u, v):

  • If v is in the 'Visiting' state, then (u, v) is a back edge, and we have found a cycle.
  • If v is in the 'Unvisited' state, we recursively call DFS on v.
  • If v is in the 'Visited' state, we ignore the edge (as it doesn't indicate a cycle in the DFS tree rooted at u).

Algorithm (Pseudocode):

 DFS(graph, node, visited, recursionStack) {
      visited[node] = true
      recursionStack[node] = true  // Mark as visiting

      for each neighbor of node in graph {
        if (!visited[neighbor]) {
          if (DFS(graph, neighbor, visited, recursionStack)) {
            return true // Cycle detected in subtree
        } else if (recursionStack[neighbor]) {
          return true // Back edge found - cycle detected

      recursionStack[node] = false // Mark as visited
      return false

    hasCycle(graph) {
      visited = array of boolean, initialized to false for each node
      recursionStack = array of boolean, initialized to false for each node

      for each node in graph {
        if (!visited[node]) {
          if (DFS(graph, node, visited, recursionStack)) {
            return true // Cycle detected in connected component

      return false // No cycle found

Cycle Detection in Directed Graphs

In directed graphs, a cycle is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex, following the direction of the edges. The DFS algorithm described above works directly for detecting cycles in directed graphs. The 'Visiting' state in the `recursionStack` is crucial for identifying back edges, which directly correspond to cycles.

Example (Directed Graph):

Consider a graph with edges: A -> B, B -> C, C -> A. If we start DFS at node A:

  1. A is marked as 'Visiting'.
  2. DFS(B) is called. B is marked as 'Visiting'.
  3. DFS(C) is called. C is marked as 'Visiting'.
  4. DFS(A) is called from C. A is already in the 'Visiting' state. This indicates a back edge (C -> A), and therefore a cycle: A -> B -> C -> A.

Cycle Detection in Undirected Graphs

Cycle detection in undirected graphs is slightly different. In an undirected graph, every edge effectively represents two directed edges (u -> v and v -> u). Therefore, simply checking for a node already in the 'Visiting' state is not sufficient. We need to avoid considering parent-child relationships as cycles.

To handle this, we modify the DFS algorithm to keep track of the parent of the current node in the DFS traversal. When exploring the neighbors of a node, we ignore the edge that leads back to the node's parent.

Algorithm (Pseudocode - Undirected Graph):

 DFS(graph, node, visited, parent) {
      visited[node] = true

      for each neighbor of node in graph {
        if (!visited[neighbor]) {
          if (DFS(graph, neighbor, visited, node)) { // Pass 'node' as parent to neighbor
            return true // Cycle detected in subtree
        } else if (neighbor != parent) {  // Important: Check not equal to parent
          return true // Back edge found (excluding parent edge) - cycle detected

      return false

    hasCycle(graph) {
      visited = array of boolean, initialized to false for each node

      for each node in graph {
        if (!visited[node]) {
          if (DFS(graph, node, visited, -1)) { // -1 indicates no parent for initial call
            return true // Cycle detected in connected component

      return false // No cycle found

Example (Undirected Graph):

Consider a graph with edges: A - B, B - C, C - A.

  1. Start DFS at A, parent = -1, A is marked 'visited'.
  2. DFS(B), parent = A, B is marked 'visited'.
  3. DFS(C), parent = B, C is marked 'visited'.
  4. From C, consider neighbor A. Since A is visited and A != B (parent of C), this indicates a back edge and a cycle: A - B - C - A.

Without the parent check, the edge C - B would incorrectly be identified as a cycle when processing C's neighbors.

Differentiating Cycle Detection in Directed and Undirected Graphs

Here's a summary of the key differences:

  • Directed Graphs: Use a 'Visiting' state (represented by `recursionStack`) to detect back edges. The presence of a back edge directly indicates a cycle.
  • Undirected Graphs: Also use a 'visited' status, but require tracking the parent node to avoid misinterpreting edges between a node and its parent as cycles. Only back edges to nodes that are *not* the parent indicate a cycle.

Significance of Back Edges

Back edges are crucial for cycle detection because they represent a path that leads back to a node already in the current path being explored. This completes a cycle. Identifying these back edges is the core mechanism by which DFS efficiently detects cycles in graphs.