Greedy Algorithms

Introduction to greedy algorithms. Discusses the characteristics of problems suitable for greedy solutions. Covers examples like Dijkstra's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm, and Huffman coding.

Huffman Coding: A Deep Dive into Optimal Prefix Coding

Introduction to Huffman Coding

Huffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm that assigns variable-length codes to input characters based on their frequencies. More frequent characters get shorter codes, and less frequent characters get longer codes. This leads to a reduction in the overall data size, especially when some characters appear much more frequently than others. It's a classic example of a greedy algorithm, meaning it makes the locally optimal choice at each step in the hope of finding a global optimum. Huffman Coding results in the smallest code length, when compared to all other algorithms.

Huffman coding is a prefix code, which means that no code is a prefix of another code. This property is crucial for unambiguous decoding. Without it, decoding would be impossible because the decoder wouldn't know when one character ends and another begins.

Explanation of Huffman Coding

The core idea behind Huffman coding is to build a binary tree, known as a Huffman tree, based on the frequencies of characters in the input data. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. Calculate Frequencies: Determine the frequency of each character in the input data.
  2. Create Priority Queue: Create a priority queue (min-heap) containing all the characters. The priority is based on the frequency of each character. Characters with lower frequencies have higher priority (they are extracted earlier from the queue).
  3. Build the Huffman Tree:
    • While the priority queue contains more than one element:
    • Extract the two nodes with the highest priority (lowest frequencies) from the queue.
    • Create a new internal node. Assign the extracted nodes as its left and right children.
    • The frequency of the new internal node is the sum of the frequencies of its children.
    • Insert the new internal node back into the priority queue.
  4. Assign Codes: Once the priority queue contains only one node (the root of the Huffman tree), traverse the tree to assign codes to each character. Assign '0' to the left branches and '1' to the right branches. The code for a character is the path from the root to the leaf node representing that character.

The resulting Huffman tree guarantees that no code is a prefix of another code.

Huffman Coding Example

Let's illustrate Huffman coding with a simple example. Suppose we have the following string:


The frequencies of the characters are:

  • a: 2
  • b: 2
  • c: 2
  • d: 2
  • e: 5

Here's how the Huffman tree is built:

  1. Initial Priority Queue: The priority queue initially contains (a:2), (b:2), (c:2), (d:2), (e:5).
  2. Step 1: Extract (a:2) and (b:2). Create a new node (ab:4). Insert (ab:4) into the queue. Queue now contains (c:2), (d:2), (ab:4), (e:5).
  3. Step 2: Extract (c:2) and (d:2). Create a new node (cd:4). Insert (cd:4) into the queue. Queue now contains (ab:4), (cd:4), (e:5).
  4. Step 3: Extract (ab:4) and (cd:4). Create a new node (abcd:8). Insert (abcd:8) into the queue. Queue now contains (e:5), (abcd:8).
  5. Step 4: Extract (e:5) and (abcd:8). Create a new node (eabcd:13). This is the root of the Huffman tree.

The resulting Huffman tree looks like this (approximately):

                   /        \
                  e:5        abcd:8
                             /     \
                           ab:4     cd:4
                          /  \     /  \
                        a:2  b:2  c:2  d:2 

Now, we assign codes:

  • e: 0
  • a: 100
  • b: 101
  • c: 110
  • d: 111

The compressed string would be:


The original string used 13 * 8 = 104 bits (assuming 8 bits per character). The compressed string uses 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 * 1 = 13 symbols with a code length of 3 bits for 4 of the symbols and 1 bit for the remaining symbol. Thus the compressed string uses (2*3) + (2*3) + (2*3) + (2*3) + (5*1) = 6+6+6+6+5 = 29 bits to represent the frequencies and 29 bits for the compressed code itself. This example demonstrates the compression benefit even with a relatively small input.

Implementation Details

A typical Huffman coding implementation involves the following components:

  • Frequency Calculation: A function to calculate the frequency of each character in the input data. A hash map (dictionary) is often used for efficient frequency counting.
  • Priority Queue (Min-Heap): A data structure to store the characters and their frequencies. A min-heap is used to efficiently retrieve the characters with the lowest frequencies. Most languages provide a built-in priority queue implementation or allow you to adapt an existing heap implementation.
  • Huffman Tree Construction: The core algorithm for building the Huffman tree from the priority queue.
  • Code Generation: A function to traverse the Huffman tree and generate the codes for each character. This is typically done recursively.
  • Encoding: A function to encode the input data using the generated Huffman codes. This involves replacing each character with its corresponding code.
  • Decoding: A function to decode the compressed data using the Huffman tree. This involves traversing the tree based on the bits in the compressed data until a leaf node (character) is reached.

Python Example (Conceptual)

 import heapq
from collections import Counter

class Node:
    def __init__(self, char, freq):
        self.char = char
        self.freq = freq
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

    def __lt__(self, other):  # For priority queue comparison
        return self.freq < other.freq

def build_huffman_tree(data):
    freq_map = Counter(data)
    heap = [Node(char, freq) for char, freq in freq_map.items()]

    while len(heap) > 1:
        node1 = heapq.heappop(heap)
        node2 = heapq.heappop(heap)
        merged_node = Node(None, node1.freq + node2.freq) # None char for internal nodes
        merged_node.left = node1
        merged_node.right = node2
        heapq.heappush(heap, merged_node)

    return heap[0]  # Root of the Huffman tree

def generate_codes(node, code="", code_map={}):
    if node is None:

    if node.char is not None:
        code_map[node.char] = code

    generate_codes(node.left, code + "0", code_map)
    generate_codes(node.right, code + "1", code_map)

def huffman_encoding(data):
    root = build_huffman_tree(data)
    code_map = {}
    generate_codes(root, "", code_map)

    encoded_data = "".join(code_map[char] for char in data)
    return encoded_data, code_map

def huffman_decoding(encoded_data, code_map):
    reverse_code_map = {code: char for char, code in code_map.items()}
    decoded_data = ""
    current_code = ""
    for bit in encoded_data:
        current_code += bit
        if current_code in reverse_code_map:
            decoded_data += reverse_code_map[current_code]
            current_code = ""
    return decoded_data

# Example Usage:
data = "aabbccddeeeee"
encoded_data, code_map = huffman_encoding(data)
decoded_data = huffman_decoding(encoded_data, code_map)

print("Original data:", data)
print("Encoded data:", encoded_data)
print("Decoded data:", decoded_data)
print("Code map:", code_map) 

Note: This Python example is a simplified conceptual implementation for demonstration purposes. A production-ready implementation would need to handle edge cases, file I/O, and more robust error handling.

Algorithm Analysis

Time Complexity

  • Frequency Calculation: O(n), where n is the length of the input data.
  • Building the Priority Queue: O(m), where m is the number of unique characters. Heapifying takes O(m) time.
  • Building the Huffman Tree: O(m log m), because we perform O(m) heap operations, each taking O(log m) time.
  • Code Generation: O(m), where m is the number of unique characters (traversing the tree).
  • Encoding: O(n), where n is the length of the input data.
  • Decoding: O(n), where n is the length of the *encoded* data, assuming efficient lookup in the code map during the decoding loop.

Therefore, the overall time complexity of Huffman coding is dominated by the Huffman tree construction and is typically O(n + m log m), where n is the length of the input data and m is the number of unique characters.

Space Complexity

  • Frequency Map: O(m), where m is the number of unique characters.
  • Priority Queue: O(m), where m is the number of unique characters.
  • Huffman Tree: O(m), where m is the number of unique characters.
  • Code Map: O(m), where m is the number of unique characters.

The overall space complexity of Huffman coding is O(m), where m is the number of unique characters.


Huffman coding is an optimal prefix coding algorithm. It generates the shortest average code length possible for a given probability distribution (character frequencies). However, it's important to note that Huffman coding's optimality is limited to cases where the symbols are coded one at a time. For correlated data, other compression algorithms (e.g., Lempel-Ziv) may achieve better compression ratios.

The Huffman Coding algorithm's time complexity is O(N log N) where N is the number of distinct characters in the input data. Therefore, as the size of data increases, the runtime will only increase logarithmically. So the runtime is highly efficient and scalable.

Applications of Huffman Coding

Huffman coding is widely used in various data compression applications, including:

  • File Compression: ZIP, GZIP, and other archive formats use Huffman coding as part of their compression algorithms.
  • Image Compression: JPEG image compression uses Huffman coding to compress the quantized DCT coefficients.
  • Multimedia Compression: MP3 audio compression uses Huffman coding to compress the spectral data.
  • Fax Machines: Historically used in fax machines to compress the image data.
  • Data Transmission: Used in various communication protocols to reduce the amount of data transmitted.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Optimality: Generates optimal prefix codes for a given probability distribution.
  • Simplicity: Relatively simple to implement.
  • Fast Encoding/Decoding: Encoding and decoding can be performed efficiently with appropriate data structures.
  • Lossless: Guarantees lossless data compression, preserving the original data perfectly.


  • Requires Prior Knowledge: Requires knowledge of character frequencies before encoding, which may require a separate pass through the data or transmission of the frequency table.
  • Not Always the Best Compression: May not achieve the best compression ratios for all types of data, especially for highly correlated data.
  • Overhead: The Huffman tree itself can add overhead to the compressed data, especially when dealing with small input sizes.