Advanced Git: Rebasing and Cherry-Picking

Explore more advanced Git techniques like rebasing (`git rebase`) to maintain a clean commit history and cherry-picking (`git cherry-pick`) to selectively apply commits.

Advanced Git: Rebasing and Cherry-Picking

This section explores more advanced Git techniques like rebasing (git rebase) to maintain a clean commit history and cherry-picking (git cherry-pick) to selectively apply commits.

Rebasing (git rebase)

Rebasing is a process that allows you to move or combine a sequence of commits to a new base commit. It's commonly used to:

  • Clean up your commit history by squashing commits together.
  • Bring your branch up-to-date with the latest changes from another branch (usually main or develop).
  • Create a linear commit history.

How Rebasing Works:

Imagine you have a feature branch that diverged from the main branch. When you rebase your feature branch onto main, Git finds the common ancestor of the two branches. It then applies the commits from your feature branch onto the tip of the main branch, effectively rewriting your branch's history.

Example: Rebasing a Feature Branch onto main

 # Checkout your feature branch
    git checkout feature-branch

    # Rebase onto main
    git rebase main

    # If there are conflicts, resolve them:
    # git status  (shows the conflicted files)
    # Edit the files to resolve the conflicts
    # git add .     (stage the resolved files)
    # git rebase --continue

    # If you want to abort the rebase
    # git rebase --abort 

Interactive Rebasing:

Interactive rebasing (git rebase -i) gives you more control over the rebasing process. It allows you to:

  • Reorder commits.
  • Squash commits together.
  • Edit commit messages.
  • Drop commits.

Example: Interactive Rebasing

 # Start interactive rebasing, specifying how many commits to review (e.g., the last 3)
    git rebase -i HEAD~3

    # Git will open an editor with a list of commits.  You can then modify the list using the provided instructions:

    # pick = use commit
    # reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
    # edit = use commit, but stop for amending
    # squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
    # fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
    # exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell

    # After saving and closing the editor, Git will perform the actions you specified. 

Important Considerations for Rebasing:

  • Don't rebase commits that have been pushed to a shared repository. Rebasing rewrites history, which can cause problems for other developers who have based their work on the original commits. This is a golden rule!
  • Rebasing can result in conflicts that you need to resolve.
  • Use rebasing with caution, especially in collaborative environments.

Cherry-Picking (git cherry-pick)

Cherry-picking allows you to select specific commits from one branch and apply them to another branch. It's useful when you only need a particular change from another branch and don't want to merge the entire branch.

How Cherry-Picking Works:

You specify the commit hash of the commit you want to cherry-pick. Git then applies the changes from that commit to your current branch, creating a new commit that reflects the same changes.

Example: Cherry-Picking a Commit

 # Checkout the branch where you want to apply the commit
    git checkout target-branch

    # Cherry-pick the commit (replace commit-hash with the actual commit hash)
    git cherry-pick commit-hash

    # If there are conflicts, resolve them as with rebasing or merging:
    # git status
    # Edit the files to resolve the conflicts
    # git add .
    # git cherry-pick --continue

    # To abort the cherry-pick:
    # git cherry-pick --abort 

Use Cases for Cherry-Picking:

  • Applying a bug fix from one branch to another.
  • Porting a feature from an experimental branch to a stable branch.
  • Moving a commit that was accidentally made on the wrong branch.

Important Considerations for Cherry-Picking:

  • Cherry-picking creates a new commit with the same changes as the original. It doesn't move the original commit.
  • The new commit will have a different hash and author date than the original commit.
  • Cherry-picking can also result in conflicts that you need to resolve.


Rebasing and cherry-picking are powerful tools for manipulating Git history. Understanding how they work and when to use them can help you maintain a cleaner, more organized repository. However, use them with caution and be mindful of their potential impact on collaboration and shared repositories.