Staging, Committing, and Ignoring Changes

Explore the staging area (`git add`), committing changes with meaningful messages (`git commit`), and using `.gitignore` to exclude files from version control.

Committing Changes in Git

Committing is a fundamental operation in Git. It's how you record snapshots of your project's state. Think of it like saving your work with a specific label and timestamp.

What is a Commit?

A commit is a snapshot of your files at a specific point in time, along with a message describing the changes you made. Git stores these commits as a linked chain, forming the history of your project. Each commit contains:

  • The actual changes to your files (the "diff").
  • Metadata: author, committer, date, and a commit message.
  • A pointer to the parent commit (or commits, for merges).

Committing Changes (git commit)

The git commit command is used to create a new commit in your Git repository. Before you can commit, you need to stage the changes you want to include in the commit using git add.

Understanding Staging

The staging area (also known as the index) is a temporary holding area. You add files to it that you intend to include in the next commit. This allows you to selectively choose which changes you want to group together.

Changes that are in your working directory, but not staged, will not be included in the commit.

How to Commit Staged Changes with git commit

  1. Stage your changes: Use git add to add the files you want to include in the commit. You can stage individual files, directories, or all changes.
    git add file1.txt file2.txt  # Stage specific files
    git add directory/         # Stage all files in a directory
    git add .                 # Stage all modified and new files in the current directory and its subdirectories
    git add -u                # Stages modified and deleted files but NOT new files. 
  2. Commit the staged changes: Use git commit with a meaningful commit message.
    git commit -m "Your commit message here" 

Writing Clear and Informative Commit Messages

A good commit message is crucial for understanding the history of your project. It helps you (and others) understand why a change was made, not just what was changed.

Best Practices for Commit Messages:

  • Use the imperative mood: Start the message with a verb in the imperative mood (e.g., "Fix", "Add", "Implement", "Refactor"). This reads as an instruction to the codebase.
  • Limit the first line to 50 characters: This line serves as a summary and is displayed in Git logs and other tools.
  • Separate the summary from the body with a blank line: This provides visual separation.
  • Use the body to explain the "why": Explain the context of the changes, the problem you were trying to solve, and any trade-offs you made. Wrap lines at 72 characters.
  • Be specific and concise: Avoid vague messages like "Update files" or "Fix bug".

Example of a Good Commit Message:

Fix: Prevent crash when user enters invalid input

This commit addresses a bug where the application would crash when the user
entered invalid input in the age field.  The input validation logic has been
updated to prevent non-numeric characters from being processed, displaying an
error message to the user instead.  This improves the user experience and
prevents unexpected application termination. 

Committing Without Staging (Not Recommended)

While it's generally best practice to stage changes before committing, you can use the git commit -a option to automatically stage all modified (but not new) files and commit them in one step. However, this is often discouraged as it can lead to unintended changes being committed.

git commit -a -m "Your commit message"  # Commits all modified files directly 

Interactive Staging and Committing

For more granular control over what changes are included in a commit, consider using interactive staging with git add -p. This allows you to review each change individually and choose whether or not to stage it. After interactive staging, you can proceed with git commit as usual.

By understanding the staging area and writing clear commit messages, you'll build a well-documented and easily maintainable Git repository.