Introduction to GitHub

An overview of GitHub as a platform for collaboration, code hosting, and issue tracking. Learn about repositories, forks, and pull requests.

Repositories: Your Project's Home

Learn how to create and manage repositories (repos) on GitHub.

This section will guide you through the process of creating and managing repositories on GitHub.

Understanding Repositories

A repository is essentially a project folder on GitHub, containing all project files, documentation, and commit history.

Local vs. Remote Repositories

It's crucial to understand the difference between local and remote repositories:

  • Local Repository: A Git repository on your computer. This is where you make changes and track your code.
  • Remote Repository: A Git repository hosted on a service like GitHub. It allows you to collaborate with others, backup your code, and deploy your project.

Initializing a Git Repository

Learn how to initialize a Git repository for your projects:

  1. Navigate to your project directory in the terminal.
  2. Run the command: git init. This creates a hidden .git folder which is the core of your repository.
  3. Now your project directory is a Git repository!