Installing Git

Step-by-step instructions for installing Git on various operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux). Includes verification steps to ensure a successful installation.

Installing Git

Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes to files in a project. It's essential for collaborating on code, managing different versions, and reverting to previous states. Before you can start using Git and GitHub, you need to install Git on your local machine.

Why Install Git?

Git needs to be installed locally so your computer can understand and execute Git commands. It acts as the underlying engine for all your version control operations, allowing you to:

  • Initialize a Git repository (git init)
  • Add files to the staging area (git add)
  • Commit changes with messages (git commit)
  • Branch your codebase (git branch)
  • Merge branches (git merge)
  • Collaborate with others using remote repositories (git push, git pull)

Step-by-Step Installation Instructions


  1. Download the Git installer: Go to the official Git website: and download the installer for Windows.
  2. Run the installer: Double-click the downloaded .exe file to start the installation process.
  3. Follow the installation wizard:
    • Carefully read the license agreement and click "Next".
    • Choose the installation location. The default location is generally fine.
    • Select components to install. The default selections are usually sufficient.
    • Choose the text editor Git will use. Select your preferred editor (e.g., Notepad++, VS Code) or use the default (Vim). If you are unsure, leave the default.
    • Adjust your PATH environment. Important: Choose "Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software". This option adds Git to your system's PATH, allowing you to run Git commands from the command prompt or PowerShell. The other options are less recommended for beginners.
    • Choose the SSH executable to use. OpenSSH is usually a good choice.
    • Choose the SSL library to use. Use the OpenSSL library.
    • Configure line ending conversions. Choose "Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings". This is generally the recommended option for Windows.
    • Configure the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash. MinTTY is the default and usually a good choice.
    • Configure extra options (e.g., file system caching). The defaults are usually fine.
    • Consider enabling experimental options (if any) carefully. They are not recommended for beginners.
    • Click "Install".
  4. Launch Git Bash: Once the installation is complete, you should find "Git Bash" in your Start Menu. Launch it. This is the Git command-line interface.

Note: During the installation process, pay close attention to the options presented to you. The choices you make can affect how Git integrates with your system and other software. The PATH environment variable setting is particularly important.


  1. Download the Git installer: Go to the official Git website: and download the installer for macOS. Alternatively, you can use Homebrew (see below).
  2. Run the installer: Double-click the downloaded .dmg file to mount the disk image.
  3. Run the package: Double-click the .pkg file inside the mounted disk image to start the installation process.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions: The installer will guide you through the process.
  5. Using Homebrew (Alternative): If you have Homebrew installed, you can install Git using the following command in your terminal:
    brew install git


The installation process varies depending on the Linux distribution you are using.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install git


sudo dnf install git

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S git

Note: You may need to enter your password to authorize the installation.


After installation, it's essential to verify that Git has been installed correctly.

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt: On Windows, use Git Bash. On macOS, use Terminal. On Linux, use your distribution's terminal application.
  2. Type the following command:
    git --version
  3. Check the output: If Git is installed correctly, you should see the Git version number printed to the console. For example:
    git version 2.39.2

If you see an error message like "git: command not found" or "git is not recognized as an internal or external command", it means that Git is not properly installed or not added to your system's PATH. Review the installation steps and make sure you followed them correctly, paying close attention to the PATH configuration.


If you encounter any issues during installation, refer to the official Git documentation or search online for solutions specific to your operating system and the error message you are seeing.

Common problems include:

  • PATH issues: Git is not in your system's PATH, so the command is not recognized.
  • Corrupted installation: The downloaded installer file was corrupted during download. Try downloading it again.
  • Permissions issues: You don't have the necessary permissions to install software on your system.