
Defining and calling functions, passing arguments, and returning values. Understanding function prototypes and scope.

Returning Values from Functions in C

In C programming, functions are fundamental building blocks that perform specific tasks. A key aspect of functions is their ability to return a value back to the part of the program that called them. This allows functions to compute results and make them available for further processing. The return statement is used to achieve this.

The return Statement

The return statement serves two primary purposes:

  1. It terminates the execution of the function. When the return statement is encountered, the function immediately stops running, and control returns to the caller.
  2. It optionally sends a value back to the caller. This value is the result of the function's computation.

The general syntax of the return statement is:

return expression;

where expression evaluates to the value that the function will return. The type of expression must be compatible with the function's return type, as defined in the function declaration.

Different Return Types

Functions in C can return values of various data types. The return type must be explicitly declared in the function's definition.

1. Returning int

A function can return an integer value using the int return type.

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

int main() {
    int sum = add(5, 3);
    printf("The sum is: %d\n", sum); // Output: The sum is: 8
    return 0;

2. Returning float or double

For returning floating-point numbers, use float or double.

double calculate_average(double x, double y) {
    return (x + y) / 2.0;

int main() {
    double avg = calculate_average(10.5, 15.7);
    printf("The average is: %lf\n", avg); // Output: The average is: 13.100000
    return 0;

3. Returning char

To return a single character, use the char return type.

char get_grade(int score) {
    if (score >= 90) {
        return 'A';
    } else if (score >= 80) {
        return 'B';
    } else if (score >= 70) {
        return 'C';
    } else {
        return 'F';

int main() {
    char grade = get_grade(85);
    printf("The grade is: %c\n", grade); // Output: The grade is: B
    return 0;

4. Returning void (No Return Value)

Sometimes, a function doesn't need to return any value. In such cases, you use the void return type. A void function performs some action but doesn't explicitly return a value to the caller. You can use return; without any expression to simply exit the function, or omit the return statement entirely, and the function will return automatically after reaching the last statement.

void print_message(char *message) {
    printf("%s\n", message);
    // return; // Optional: Explicitly exit the function

int main() {
    print_message("Hello, world!"); // Output: Hello, world!
    return 0;

In this example, print_message simply prints a message to the console and doesn't return any value. It has a void return type.

Important Considerations

  • A function can have multiple return statements. However, only one return statement will be executed during a single function call.
  • If a function is declared to return a value (e.g., int, float), it must return a value of the declared type. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior.
  • It's good practice to ensure all possible execution paths in a non-void function lead to a return statement to avoid unexpected behavior.