
Understanding unions and how they differ from structures. Using unions to save memory.

Accessing Union Members in C

This lesson provides a detailed explanation on how to access members within a union. It emphasizes the importance of understanding which member's data is currently valid and the potential risks of accessing the wrong member. It will include best practices for safely accessing union members.

Understanding Unions

A union is a special data type in C that allows you to store different data types in the same memory location. The size of a union is determined by the size of its largest member. At any given time, only one member of the union holds a valid value. Using other members can give unexpected results.

Accessing Union Members

You access union members using the dot (.) operator for direct access (when you have a union variable) or the arrow (->) operator for access through a pointer to a union (similar to structures). It's crucial to know which member was last assigned a value to ensure you are reading valid data.

Direct Access with the Dot Operator

When you have a union variable, you use the dot operator to access its members.

 #include <stdio.h>

    union Data {
        int i;
        float f;
        char str[20];

    int main() {
        union Data data;

        data.i = 10;
        printf("data.i: %d\n", data.i);

        data.f = 220.5;
        printf("data.f: %f\n", data.f);

        strcpy(data.str, "C Programming");
        printf("data.str: %s\n", data.str);

        printf("data.i after string assignment: %d\n", data.i); // Likely garbage value
        return 0;


  • We declare a union named Data that can hold an integer, a float, or a string.
  • We create a union variable named data.
  • We assign values to different members of the union. Notice how each assignment overwrites the previous one's value. The last assignment (strcpy(data.str, "C Programming");) determines which member holds valid data at that point.
  • The last printf will likely print garbage for data.i because its value was overwritten by the string assignment.

Access Through a Pointer with the Arrow Operator

When you have a pointer to a union, you use the arrow operator (->) to access its members.

 #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

    union Data {
        int i;
        float f;
        char str[20];

    int main() {
        union Data *dataPtr = (union Data *)malloc(sizeof(union Data));

        if (dataPtr == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed\n");
            return 1;

        dataPtr->i = 100;
        printf("dataPtr->i: %d\n", dataPtr->i);

        dataPtr->f = 3.14159;
        printf("dataPtr->f: %f\n", dataPtr->f);

        strcpy(dataPtr->str, "Hello Union!");
        printf("dataPtr->str: %s\n", dataPtr->str);

        free(dataPtr); // Important: Free the allocated memory.
        return 0;


  • We allocate memory for a union using malloc and store the address in a pointer dataPtr.
  • We access the members of the union through the pointer using the -> operator.
  • Again, only the last assigned member holds a valid value.
  • Crucially, we free(dataPtr) to release the allocated memory after we are done with the union. Failing to do so results in a memory leak.

Best Practices for Safely Accessing Union Members

Since only one member of a union can be valid at a time, it's essential to track which member holds the current valid data. Here are some strategies:

  1. Use an Enumeration (Enum) to Track the Active Member: This is the most common and recommended approach. An enum variable keeps track of which member of the union is currently in use.
  2. Comments and Documentation: Clearly document which member is expected to be valid at different points in your code.
  3. Consider Structures Instead: If you need to store and access all members simultaneously, a structure is a better choice than a union. Unions are best when you need to save memory and only one of several members is relevant at a time.

Example using an Enum

 #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>

    typedef enum {
    } DataType;

    union Data {
        int i;
        float f;
        char str[20];

    typedef struct {
        DataType type;
        union Data data;
    } Variant;

    void printVariant(Variant v) {
        switch (v.type) {
            case INT_TYPE:
                printf("Integer: %d\n", v.data.i);
            case FLOAT_TYPE:
                printf("Float: %f\n", v.data.f);
            case STRING_TYPE:
                printf("String: %s\n", v.data.str);
                printf("Unknown type\n");

    int main() {
        Variant myVariant;

        myVariant.type = INT_TYPE;
        myVariant.data.i = 42;

        myVariant.type = STRING_TYPE;
        strcpy(myVariant.data.str, "Example String");

        myVariant.type = FLOAT_TYPE;
        myVariant.data.f = 2.71828;

        return 0;


  • We define an enum DataType to represent the possible types stored in the union.
  • We create a Variant structure that contains a DataType member (type) and a Data union member (data).
  • Before accessing a member of the union, we set the type field to indicate which member is valid.
  • The printVariant function uses a switch statement to determine which member to print based on the type field. This ensures that we only access the valid member of the union.

Potential Risks

Accessing the wrong member of a union can lead to:

  • Garbage Values: Reading a member that hasn't been initialized will result in reading whatever data happens to be in that memory location, which is typically meaningless.
  • Program Crashes: Depending on the data type being accessed and the underlying architecture, accessing an invalid member could cause a segmentation fault or other runtime errors.
  • Unexpected Behavior: If you're using the value read from the union in a calculation or comparison, using an invalid value can lead to unpredictable results.


Unions are a powerful feature in C that can be used to save memory and create flexible data structures. However, it's essential to understand how they work and to use them carefully. By tracking the active member of the union and by adhering to best practices, you can avoid common pitfalls and write robust and reliable code.