Hibernate with Spring Framework

Integrate Hibernate with the Spring Framework for improved dependency injection, transaction management, and simplified development. We'll cover configuring Hibernate as a bean in Spring and using Spring's transaction management features.

Spring Transaction Management with Hibernate

Understanding Spring's Transaction Management

Spring's transaction management provides a consistent programming model for transaction management regardless of the underlying data access technology. It supports both programmatic and declarative transaction management. This allows developers to manage transactions without tightly coupling transaction management code to the business logic. When using Hibernate, Spring offers seamless integration for managing Hibernate sessions within transactions.

Why Use Spring Transaction Management with Hibernate?

  • Simplified Transaction Handling: Reduces boilerplate code for transaction start, commit, and rollback.
  • Consistent Model: Provides a uniform approach for transaction management across different data access technologies.
  • Declarative Transaction Management: Enables transaction management through annotations or XML configuration, separating transaction logic from business logic.
  • Integration with Spring's Ecosystem: Seamlessly integrates with other Spring features, such as dependency injection and AOP.

Implementing Transaction Management Using Spring's Declarative Transaction Management

Declarative transaction management is achieved using Spring's AOP capabilities. It involves configuring transaction boundaries using annotations (@Transactional) or XML configuration. This approach avoids cluttering business logic with transaction management code.

Using @Transactional Annotation

The @Transactional annotation is the most common way to define transaction boundaries. Apply it to a method or class to indicate that it should be executed within a transaction.

    public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {

        private UserRepository userRepository;

        public void createUser(User user) {
            // Other operations related to user creation

        @Transactional(readOnly = true)
        public User getUserById(Long id) {
            return userRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);

In the above example, the createUser method is marked as transactional. Spring will automatically start a transaction before the method execution and commit it after successful execution. If an exception is thrown, the transaction will be rolled back. The getUserById method is marked as read-only, optimizing the transaction for read operations.

XML Configuration (Less Common, but still relevant)

You can also configure transactions using XML. This approach is less common with the prevalence of annotations but can be useful in certain scenarios, especially where annotations aren't feasible.

First, you need to define the transactionManager bean (explained later).

 <tx:advice id="txAdvice" transaction-manager="transactionManager">
                    <tx:method name="createUser" propagation="REQUIRED" />
                    <tx:method name="getUserById" read-only="true" propagation="SUPPORTS" />
                    <tx:method name="*" propagation="SUPPORTS" read-only="true"/>

                <aop:pointcut id="userServiceMethods" expression="execution(* com.example.service.UserService.*(..))"/>
                <aop:advisor advice-ref="txAdvice" pointcut-ref="userServiceMethods"/>

This configuration defines a transaction advice (txAdvice) that specifies transaction attributes for methods in the UserService interface. The aop:config section defines a pointcut that matches all methods in the UserService and applies the transaction advice to them.

Transaction Propagation Behaviors

Transaction propagation defines how multiple transactional methods behave when called within each other's context. Spring supports several propagation behaviors:

REQUIREDSupports a current transaction; creates a new one if none exists. This is the default.
REQUIRES_NEWAlways creates a new transaction. Suspends the current transaction, if any.
SUPPORTSSupports a current transaction, but executes non-transactionally if none exists.
NOT_SUPPORTEDExecutes non-transactionally. Suspends the current transaction, if any.
MANDATORYSupports a current transaction; throws an exception if no transaction exists.
NEVERExecutes non-transactionally; throws an exception if a transaction exists.
NESTEDExecutes within a nested transaction if a current transaction exists; behaves like REQUIRED otherwise. The nested transaction can be rolled back independently of the outer transaction. This is Hibernate-specific and may not be supported by all transaction managers.

You can specify the propagation behavior in the @Transactional annotation using the propagation attribute, e.g., @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) or in the XML configuration's <tx:method> tag.

Transaction Isolation Levels

Transaction isolation defines the degree to which concurrent transactions are isolated from each other. Higher isolation levels provide better data consistency but can reduce concurrency. Spring supports the following isolation levels:

Isolation LevelDescriptionPotential Issues
DEFAULTUses the default isolation level of the underlying database.Depends on the database configuration.
READ_COMMITTEDPrevents dirty reads. A transaction can only read data that has been committed by other transactions.Non-repeatable reads.
READ_UNCOMMITTEDAllows dirty reads. A transaction can read data that has not yet been committed by other transactions.Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, phantom reads.
REPEATABLE_READPrevents dirty reads and non-repeatable reads. A transaction can repeatedly read the same data and get the same results.Phantom reads.
SERIALIZABLEProvides the highest isolation level. Prevents dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads. Transactions are executed in a serial order.Reduced concurrency.

You can specify the isolation level in the @Transactional annotation using the isolation attribute, e.g., @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED) or in the XML configuration's <tx:method> tag. Choose the appropriate isolation level based on the application's concurrency requirements and data consistency needs.

Configuring Transaction Managers for Hibernate

Spring's transaction management relies on a transaction manager. For Hibernate, you typically use either HibernateTransactionManager or JtaTransactionManager.


This is the most common transaction manager for simple Hibernate applications. It manages transactions directly on the Hibernate Session.

            public class AppConfig {

                public DataSource dataSource() {
                    // Configure your data source (e.g., using DriverManagerDataSource or a connection pool)
                    DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
                    return dataSource;

                public LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory() {
                    LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory = new LocalSessionFactoryBean();
                    sessionFactory.setPackagesToScan("com.example.entity"); // Package where your entities reside
                    Properties hibernateProperties = new Properties();
                    hibernateProperties.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"); //  Appropriate dialect for your database
                    hibernateProperties.setProperty("hibernate.show_sql", "true"); // Optional: Show SQL queries in console
                    hibernateProperties.setProperty("hibernate.format_sql", "true"); // Optional: Format SQL queries for readability
                    return sessionFactory;

                public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
                    HibernateTransactionManager transactionManager = new HibernateTransactionManager();
                    return transactionManager;

                public PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor exceptionTranslation(){
                    return new PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor();

Key points:

  • @EnableTransactionManagement: Enables Spring's annotation-driven transaction management.
  • dataSource(): Configures the database connection. Replace with your actual data source configuration (connection pool is highly recommended for production).
  • sessionFactory(): Configures the Hibernate SessionFactory, specifying the data source, packages to scan for entities, and Hibernate properties.
  • transactionManager(): Creates the HibernateTransactionManager, injecting the SessionFactory. This is crucial for linking Hibernate to Spring's transaction management.
  • PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor: A bean post-processor that enables the translation of persistence-specific exceptions (e.g., from Hibernate) into Spring's more generic DataAccessException hierarchy. This allows you to handle exceptions in a more database-agnostic way.


Use this transaction manager when you need to participate in a JTA (Java Transaction API) global transaction, for example, when working with multiple resources (databases, message queues) that need to be coordinated in a single transaction. Requires a JTA transaction manager to be available in the environment (e.g., provided by a Java EE application server or a standalone JTA implementation like Atomikos or Bitronix).

            public class AppConfig {

                public DataSource dataSource() {
                    // Configure your data source (e.g., using DriverManagerDataSource or a connection pool)
                    DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
                    return dataSource;

                public LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory() {
                    LocalSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory = new LocalSessionFactoryBean();
                    sessionFactory.setPackagesToScan("com.example.entity"); // Package where your entities reside
                    Properties hibernateProperties = new Properties();
                    hibernateProperties.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect"); //  Appropriate dialect for your database
                    hibernateProperties.setProperty("hibernate.show_sql", "true"); // Optional: Show SQL queries in console
                    hibernateProperties.setProperty("hibernate.format_sql", "true"); // Optional: Format SQL queries for readability
                    return sessionFactory;

                public JtaTransactionManager transactionManager() {
                    return new JtaTransactionManager(); // Relies on a JTA Transaction Manager being configured externally.

                public PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor exceptionTranslation(){
                    return new PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor();


With JtaTransactionManager, Spring delegates transaction management to the underlying JTA provider. You would also need to configure the JTA environment (e.g., by configuring a JNDI resource for the JTA transaction manager). You often wouldn't need to set a sessionFactory explicitly in the JtaTransactionManager like you do with HibernateTransactionManager, as it relies on the externally configured JTA context to manage connections and transactions.