Hibernate Caching

Improve performance by understanding and utilizing Hibernate's caching mechanisms. We'll cover first-level cache (session cache) and second-level cache (shared cache), including configuration options and strategies for effective caching.

Hibernate Cache Strategies

Introduction to Caching

Caching is a crucial technique for improving the performance of applications, especially those interacting with databases. It involves storing frequently accessed data in a faster, more readily available location (the cache) to reduce the number of expensive database calls. Hibernate, an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, provides robust support for caching at different levels.

Cache Levels in Hibernate

  • First-Level Cache (Session Cache): This is a mandatory, short-lived cache associated with a single Hibernate Session. Data retrieved or persisted within a Session is cached automatically. It's transparent and requires no configuration. Data in the first-level cache is evicted when the Session is closed or cleared.
  • Second-Level Cache (SessionFactory Cache): This is an optional, long-lived cache associated with the SessionFactory. It's shared across multiple Session instances and can significantly improve performance by caching frequently accessed data across the application. It requires explicit configuration using a cache provider (e.g., Ehcache, Hazelcast, Infinispan).
  • Query Cache: This cache stores the results of queries. It caches the identifiers of the entities returned by a query, not the actual entity data. When the same query is executed again, Hibernate retrieves the identifiers from the query cache and then uses the second-level cache to retrieve the entity data. It also requires explicit configuration.

Cache Strategies: Explanation

Cache strategies, also known as concurrency strategies, define how Hibernate interacts with the second-level cache to ensure data consistency and concurrency. They dictate how and when data is read from and written to the cache, and how the cache is invalidated when data changes. Choosing the right cache strategy is critical for balancing performance and data integrity.

The choice of cache strategy depends on the application's data access patterns, concurrency requirements, and tolerance for stale data. Here's a breakdown of the different strategies:

Detailed Explanation of Hibernate Cache Strategies

1. Read-Only Cache Strategy

Description: This is the simplest and most performant strategy. It's suitable for data that is rarely or never updated after being initially loaded. Hibernate only reads data from the cache; it never writes to it. Any attempts to modify cached read-only data will result in an exception.


  • Highest performance: No cache synchronization overhead.
  • Simplest to implement.


  • Only suitable for immutable data.

When to Use:

  • Reference data (e.g., country codes, product categories).
  • Lookup tables that are initialized at startup and never change.
  • Data that is only modified by external processes and not through the Hibernate application.

Configuration Example (Hibernate Mapping XML):

<class name="com.example.ReadOnlyEntity" table="read_only_table">
  <cache usage="read-only"/>
  <id name="id" column="id">
    <generator class="native"/>
  <property name="name" column="name"/>

Configuration Example (Annotations):

            @Table(name = "read_only_table")
            @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY)
            public class ReadOnlyEntity {
                @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
                private Long id;
                private String name;

                // Getters and setters

2. Nonstrict-Read-Write Cache Strategy

Description: This strategy is suitable for data that is updated infrequently. It prioritizes performance over strict consistency. When an entity is updated, the cache is invalidated, but the updated value is not immediately written to the cache. Subsequent reads will retrieve the stale data until the database is synchronized.


  • Good performance for infrequently updated data.
  • Avoids locking during reads.


  • Risk of reading stale data.
  • Not suitable for applications that require strict data consistency.

When to Use:

  • Data that is updated by background processes.
  • Applications where temporary staleness is acceptable.
  • Data that changes are not critical for immediate accuracy.

Configuration Example (Hibernate Mapping XML):

<class name="com.example.NonstrictReadWriteEntity" table="nonstrict_read_write_table">
  <cache usage="nonstrict-read-write"/>
  <id name="id" column="id">
    <generator class="native"/>
  <property name="name" column="name"/>

Configuration Example (Annotations):

            @Table(name = "nonstrict_read_write_table")
            @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE)
            public class NonstrictReadWriteEntity {
                @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
                private Long id;
                private String name;

                // Getters and setters

3. Read-Write Cache Strategy

Description: This strategy provides a good balance between performance and data consistency. It uses a read-write lock to prevent concurrent access to cached data during updates. When an entity is updated, a lock is acquired on the cache entry, the database is updated, and the updated value is written to the cache.


  • Good balance between performance and data consistency.
  • Avoids reading stale data.


  • Slightly lower performance than read-only or nonstrict-read-write due to locking.
  • Can lead to deadlocks if not used carefully.

When to Use:

  • Data that is frequently read and occasionally updated.
  • Applications that require a reasonable level of data consistency.
  • Most common scenario where data integrity is important but absolute real-time consistency isn't required.

Configuration Example (Hibernate Mapping XML):

<class name="com.example.ReadWriteEntity" table="read_write_table">
  <cache usage="read-write"/>
  <id name="id" column="id">
    <generator class="native"/>
  <property name="name" column="name"/>

Configuration Example (Annotations):

            @Table(name = "read_write_table")
            @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE)
            public class ReadWriteEntity {
                @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
                private Long id;
                private String name;

                // Getters and setters

Important Note: For the read-write strategy to function correctly, the cache provider must support locking. For example, Ehcache requires that the net.sf.ehcache.transactional.EhcacheXACommitProtocol be configured in ehcache.xml (or equivalent configuration for other providers supporting XA transactions). Failure to do so may result in errors or data corruption.

4. Transactional Cache Strategy

Description: This strategy is designed for environments with strict transactional requirements. It ensures that cache updates are performed within the same transaction as database updates. Data is only written to the cache after the transaction commits successfully. If the transaction rolls back, the cache is not updated.


  • Guarantees data consistency and atomicity.
  • Ideal for transactional applications.


  • Lower performance compared to other strategies due to the overhead of transaction management.
  • Requires a cache provider that supports transactional operations (e.g., Ehcache with XA transactions).

When to Use:

  • Applications that require strict ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).
  • Financial applications or systems where data integrity is paramount.

Configuration Example (Hibernate Mapping XML):

<class name="com.example.TransactionalEntity" table="transactional_table">
  <cache usage="transactional"/>
  <id name="id" column="id">
    <generator class="native"/>
  <property name="name" column="name"/>

Configuration Example (Annotations):

            @Table(name = "transactional_table")
            @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL)
            public class TransactionalEntity {
                @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
                private Long id;
                private String name;

                // Getters and setters

Important Notes:

  • The transactional cache strategy requires a transaction manager to be configured. This is typically done using JTA (Java Transaction API).
  • The cache provider must support XA transactions and be configured accordingly. For example, Ehcache requires transactional mode configuration in `ehcache.xml`.
  • Proper configuration of JTA and XA transactions is essential for the transactional cache strategy to function correctly. Misconfiguration can lead to data inconsistencies and errors.

Summary Table

Cache StrategyConsistencyPerformanceLockingSuitable ForConfiguration
Read-OnlyHighestHighestNoneImmutable data@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY)
Nonstrict-Read-WriteLow (Stale data possible)HighNoneInfrequently updated data where staleness is acceptable@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE)
Read-WriteMedium (Uses locks)MediumRead/Write LocksFrequently read, occasionally updated data@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE)
TransactionalHighest (ACID)LowestTransactionsApplications requiring strict ACID properties@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL)

Configuration Example of Ehcache (ehcache.xml)

This is a simplified example. Refer to the Ehcache documentation for detailed configuration options.


                <cache name="com.example.ReadOnlyEntity"

                <cache name="com.example.NonstrictReadWriteEntity"

                <cache name="com.example.ReadWriteEntity"

                <cache name="com.example.TransactionalEntity"

                <transactionManagerLookup class="net.sf.ehcache.transaction.manager.DefaultTransactionManagerLookup"/>


Important: For the READ_WRITE and TRANSACTIONAL strategies to work correctly, you *must* set transactionalMode="xa" (or an equivalent for your cache provider) in the cache configuration. You also need to correctly configure the transaction manager as show above. Failure to configure these options can cause serious errors and data corruption.


Choosing the correct Hibernate cache strategy is critical for optimizing the performance and scalability of your application. Carefully consider the data access patterns, concurrency requirements, and tolerance for stale data when selecting a strategy. Proper configuration of the cache provider and transaction manager is also essential to ensure data consistency and prevent errors.