Collections Framework

Introduction to the Java Collections Framework, covering ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, HashSet, and other essential data structures.

Other Essential Data Structures (Overview)

The Java Collections Framework provides a rich set of data structures beyond the basic Lists, Sets, and Maps. These structures are optimized for specific use cases and offer distinct properties that can significantly improve performance and efficiency. This document provides a brief overview of some of the most important ones: TreeSet, TreeMap, PriorityQueue, and ArrayDeque.


A TreeSet is a sorted set implementation based on a binary search tree (specifically, a red-black tree). It automatically sorts its elements according to their natural ordering or a custom Comparator.

Use Cases and Properties:

  • Use Cases: Storing and retrieving elements in sorted order; removing duplicates while maintaining order; implementing sorted dictionaries.
  • Properties:
    • Elements are stored in sorted order (either natural order or by a Comparator).
    • No duplicate elements are allowed (it's a Set).
    • Provides efficient logarithmic time (O(log n)) for most operations like adding, removing, and searching.


A TreeMap is a sorted map implementation based on a binary search tree (red-black tree). It stores key-value pairs where the keys are sorted according to their natural ordering or a custom Comparator.

Use Cases and Properties:

  • Use Cases: Storing and retrieving data in sorted order based on keys; implementing sorted dictionaries or indexes; range queries.
  • Properties:
    • Keys are stored in sorted order (either natural order or by a Comparator).
    • Provides efficient logarithmic time (O(log n)) for most operations.
    • Keys must be comparable (implement Comparable) or a Comparator must be provided.


A PriorityQueue is a queue implementation based on a heap data structure. It prioritizes elements based on their natural ordering or a custom Comparator. The element with the highest priority (lowest value by default) is always at the head of the queue.

Use Cases and Properties:

  • Use Cases: Implementing task scheduling; finding the k-smallest or k-largest elements in a collection; simulating priority-based systems.
  • Properties:
    • Elements are ordered based on priority (lowest value at the head by default).
    • Offers O(log n) time complexity for adding and removing elements.
    • Provides constant time (O(1)) for retrieving the element with the highest priority.


An ArrayDeque is a double-ended queue (deque) implementation based on a resizable array. It allows efficient insertion and removal of elements from both the head and the tail of the queue.

Use Cases and Properties:

  • Use Cases: Implementing queues and stacks; implementing breadth-first search (BFS) algorithms; processing data from both ends.
  • Properties:
    • Allows insertion and removal of elements from both ends.
    • Offers amortized constant time (O(1)) for adding and removing elements from either end.
    • More efficient than LinkedList for most queue and stack operations.