Inheritance and Polymorphism

Dive deeper into inheritance, its benefits, and different types (single, multiple, multilevel). Understand polymorphism (method overriding and overloading) and its applications.

Multiple Inheritance and Interfaces in Java

Multiple Inheritance and Interfaces Explained

Multiple Inheritance

Multiple inheritance is a feature in some object-oriented programming languages where a class can inherit properties and behaviors from multiple parent classes. This allows a class to combine characteristics from different sources into a single derived class.


An interface in Java is a blueprint of a class. It specifies a set of methods that a class must implement. Interfaces define a contract, promising that any class implementing the interface will provide concrete implementations for those methods. Interfaces can also declare constants (static final variables).

Why Java Doesn't Support Multiple Inheritance with Classes

Java does not directly support multiple inheritance using classes due to the complexity and potential ambiguities it can introduce, particularly the "Diamond Problem."

The Diamond Problem

The Diamond Problem occurs when a class inherits from two classes that both inherit from a common superclass. If the two parent classes override a method from the common superclass, the inheriting class needs to determine which version of the method to inherit. This can lead to confusion and unpredictable behavior.

Consider the following (hypothetical, since it's not valid Java):

 // Hypothetical example that WON'T compile in Java
        class Animal {
            public void eat() {
                System.out.println("Animal eats");

        class Herbivore extends Animal {
            public void eat() {
                System.out.println("Herbivore eats plants");

        class Carnivore extends Animal {
            public void eat() {
                System.out.println("Carnivore eats meat");

        // If multiple inheritance were allowed:
        // class Omnivore extends Herbivore, Carnivore {
        //    // Which eat() method should Omnivore inherit?
        // } 

In this scenario, if Java allowed Omnivore to inherit from both Herbivore and Carnivore, it would be unclear which version of the eat() method the Omnivore class should use. This ambiguity is the core of the Diamond Problem.

Interfaces: Achieving Similar Functionality

While Java doesn't allow multiple inheritance with classes, it uses interfaces to achieve similar functionality without the complexities of the Diamond Problem. A class can implement multiple interfaces. Because interfaces only define method signatures (not implementations - until Java 8 introduced default methods), there's no ambiguity about which implementation to inherit. The implementing class *must* provide the implementation for each method defined in all the interfaces it implements. This forces the developer to explicitly resolve any potential conflicts.

Practical Examples Using Interfaces

Example 1: Implementing Multiple Interfaces

 interface Swimmable {
            void swim();

        interface Flyable {
            void fly();

        class Duck implements Swimmable, Flyable {
            public void swim() {
                System.out.println("Duck is swimming.");

            public void fly() {
                System.out.println("Duck is flying.");

        public class InterfaceExample {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                Duck duck = new Duck();

In this example, the Duck class implements both the Swimmable and Flyable interfaces. It *must* provide implementations for both swim() and fly() methods.

Example 2: Using an Interface as a Contract

 interface Shape {
            double getArea();
            double getPerimeter();

        class Circle implements Shape {
            private double radius;

            public Circle(double radius) {
                this.radius = radius;

            public double getArea() {
                return Math.PI * radius * radius;

            public double getPerimeter() {
                return 2 * Math.PI * radius;

        class Rectangle implements Shape {
            private double length;
            private double width;

            public Rectangle(double length, double width) {
                this.length = length;
                this.width = width;

            public double getArea() {
                return length * width;

            public double getPerimeter() {
                return 2 * (length + width);

        public class ShapeExample {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                Shape circle = new Circle(5);
                Shape rectangle = new Rectangle(4, 6);

                System.out.println("Circle Area: " + circle.getArea());
                System.out.println("Rectangle Perimeter: " + rectangle.getPerimeter());

Here, the Shape interface defines a contract for any class that represents a shape. Both Circle and Rectangle implement the Shape interface, guaranteeing that they will provide implementations for getArea() and getPerimeter().

Example 3: Default Methods in Interfaces (Java 8+)

 interface Greetings {
            void sayHello(String name);

            default void sayGoodbye(String name) {
                System.out.println("Goodbye, " + name + "!");

        class EnglishGreetings implements Greetings {
            public void sayHello(String name) {
                System.out.println("Hello, " + name + "!");

        public class DefaultMethodExample {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                EnglishGreetings english = new EnglishGreetings();
                english.sayGoodbye("Alice"); // Uses the default implementation

This example demonstrates default methods in interfaces. A class implementing the Greetings interface *must* implement sayHello(), but it can optionally use the default implementation provided for sayGoodbye() or override it with its own implementation.


Java's decision to avoid multiple inheritance with classes was a deliberate choice to prevent ambiguities and complexities. Interfaces provide a powerful and flexible alternative, allowing classes to implement multiple interfaces and achieve similar functionality in a clear and maintainable way. Default methods in interfaces further enhance their capabilities, allowing for evolution without breaking existing implementations.