Basic Syntax and Data Types

Understand fundamental Rust syntax, including variables, data types (integers, floats, booleans, characters), and comments.

Rust Programming: Basic Syntax and Data Types

Rust: Basic Syntax and Data Types

Basic Syntax

Rust's syntax borrows heavily from C and C++, but with significant improvements to memory safety and overall design.

  • Statements: Most lines of Rust code are statements and end with a semicolon (;).
  • Blocks: Code is often organized into blocks enclosed in curly braces {}. Blocks define a scope for variables.
  • Keywords: Rust uses keywords like fn (function), let (variable declaration), if, else, loop, etc.
  • Functions: Defined using the fn keyword. The main function is the entry point of a Rust program.
  • Comments: Single-line comments start with //. Multi-line comments are enclosed in /* */.

Data Types

Rust is a statically typed language, meaning the type of each variable must be known at compile time. However, Rust often uses type inference, so you don't always have to explicitly declare the type.


Integers represent whole numbers without fractional parts. Rust provides signed (i) and unsigned (u) integer types of various sizes:

  • i8, i16, i32, i64, i128: Signed integers (can be positive or negative).
  • u8, u16, u32, u64, u128: Unsigned integers (always non-negative).
  • isize, usize: Integers whose size depends on the architecture of the computer (32-bit or 64-bit).
  • i32 is the default integer type when not specified.


 let x: i32 = 10;  // Explicitly specify i32
        let y = 20;     // Type is inferred as i32
        let z: u64 = 100; // Explicitly specify u64 

Floating-Point Numbers

Floating-point numbers represent numbers with fractional parts.

  • f32: Single-precision floating-point number.
  • f64: Double-precision floating-point number (the default).


 let pi = 3.14159; // Type is inferred as f64
        let radius: f32 = 5.0; // Explicitly specify f32 


Booleans represent truth values: true or false.


 let is_valid = true;
        let is_finished: bool = false; 


Characters represent Unicode Scalar Values, which include ASCII characters and much more. They are enclosed in single quotes.


 let letter = 'a';
        let emoji = '?'; // Crabby 


Variables in Rust are immutable by default. You must use the mut keyword to make a variable mutable.


 let x = 5;       // Immutable variable
        // x = 6;       // Error! Cannot reassign to immutable variable

        let mut y = 10;  // Mutable variable
        y = 11;       // OK 


Comments are used to explain code and are ignored by the compiler.

  • Single-line comments: // This is a single-line comment
  • Multi-line comments: /* This is a multi-line comment */
 // This is a single-line comment.

         * This is a
         * multi-line
         * comment.

        fn main() {
            let x = 10; // Assign the value 10 to x.
            println!("The value of x is: {}", x);