Regular Expressions

Learn how to use regular expressions to search, match, and manipulate text.

Splitting Strings with Regular Expressions in Python

In Python, the re.split() function from the re (regular expression) module provides a powerful way to split strings into lists based on a specific pattern. This is more flexible than the standard string.split() method, as it allows you to define complex delimiters using regular expressions.

Understanding re.split()

The re.split() function takes two main arguments:

  • pattern: A regular expression pattern that defines the delimiter(s) to use for splitting the string.
  • string: The string you want to split.

It returns a list of strings that are the parts of the original string separated by the matched delimiters. If the pattern contains capturing groups (defined by parentheses), the matched groups are also included in the resulting list.

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example:

 import re

text = "apple,banana;orange|grape"
result = re.split(r"[,;|]", text)  # Split by comma, semicolon, or pipe

In this example, the regular expression [,;|] matches either a comma, a semicolon, or a pipe character. The re.split() function splits the string at each of these delimiters, resulting in the list ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape'].

More Complex Patterns

Regular expressions allow you to define much more complex splitting criteria. For instance, you can split by one or more spaces:

 import re

text = "This  is  a   string   with  multiple  spaces."
result = re.split(r"\s+", text)  # Split by one or more whitespace characters

Here, \s+ matches one or more whitespace characters. The output is ['This', 'is', 'a', 'string', 'with', 'multiple', 'spaces.'].

Including Delimiters in the Result

If your regular expression pattern includes capturing groups (parentheses), the matched delimiters will also be included in the output list.

 import re

text = "apple,banana;orange|grape"
result = re.split(r"([,;|])", text)  # Capture the delimiter

In this case, the output will be: ['apple', ',', 'banana', ';', 'orange', '|', 'grape']. The delimiters (comma, semicolon, and pipe) are now interspersed with the original parts of the string.

Handling Empty Strings

Consecutive delimiters will result in empty strings in the output list. You may need to filter these out if they're not desired.

 import re

text = "apple,,banana;orange||grape"
result = re.split(r"[,;|]", text)
print(result)  # Output includes empty strings

filtered_result = [item for item in result if item] # Remove empty strings

The first `print` statement shows the list with empty strings. The second `print` shows the list with empty strings removed by using a list comprehension to filter out empty strings.

Benefits of Using Regular Expressions for Splitting

  • Flexibility: Regular expressions allow you to define complex and dynamic splitting criteria.
  • Conciseness: For complex splitting rules, regular expressions can often be more concise and readable than multiple uses of string.split().
  • Power: Regular expressions provide a wide range of pattern-matching capabilities, making them suitable for various splitting scenarios.


The re.split() function is a versatile tool for splitting strings in Python based on regular expression patterns. Understanding how to use it effectively can greatly simplify string manipulation tasks.