Functions: Defining and Calling

Learn how to define and call functions to create reusable blocks of code. Covers parameters, return values, and scope.

Python Functions: Defining and Calling

This guide explains how to define and call functions in Python to create reusable blocks of code. We'll cover parameters, return values, and scope.

What are Functions?

Functions are blocks of organized, reusable code that perform a specific task. They help in breaking down large programs into smaller, manageable chunks, making code more readable, maintainable, and reusable. Think of them as mini-programs within your larger program.

Defining a Function

In Python, you define a function using the def keyword, followed by the function name, parentheses (), and a colon :. The code block within the function is indented.

 def greet():
    print("Hello, world!") 

Here's a breakdown:

  • def: Keyword to indicate the start of a function definition.
  • greet: The name of the function (choose a descriptive name!).
  • (): Parentheses, which may contain parameters (explained later). They are always present even if the function takes no arguments.
  • :: Colon, indicating the start of the function's code block.
  • print("Hello, world!"): The code that will be executed when the function is called. It must be indented.

Calling a Function

To execute the code within a function, you need to call the function. This is done by simply typing the function's name followed by parentheses.

 greet()  # This will print "Hello, world!" 


Parameters are variables that you can pass into a function when you call it. They allow you to provide input to the function, making it more flexible and reusable.

 def greet_by_name(name):
    print("Hello, " + name + "!")

greet_by_name("Alice")  # Prints "Hello, Alice!"
greet_by_name("Bob")    # Prints "Hello, Bob!" 

In this example:

  • name is a parameter.
  • When we call greet_by_name("Alice"), the value "Alice" is passed to the name parameter.

Multiple Parameters

Functions can have multiple parameters, separated by commas.

 def add(x, y):
    print(x + y)

add(5, 3)  # Prints 8 

Return Values

A function can return a value back to the caller using the return statement. This allows the function to compute a result and provide it to the part of the program that called it.

 def multiply(x, y):
    result = x * y
    return result

product = multiply(4, 6)
print(product)  # Prints 24 


  • The multiply function calculates the product of x and y.
  • The return result statement sends the calculated value back to the caller.
  • The caller (in this case, the line product = multiply(4, 6)) receives the returned value and assigns it to the variable product.

If a function does not have a return statement, or if the return statement is used without a value, the function implicitly returns None.


Scope refers to the region of a program where a variable is accessible. Understanding scope is crucial to avoid unexpected behavior.

  • Local Scope: Variables defined inside a function are only accessible within that function. They are said to have local scope.
  • Global Scope: Variables defined outside of any function have global scope and can be accessed from anywhere in the program (including inside functions, but with caveats – see below).
 global_var = 10  # Global variable

def my_function():
    local_var = 5  # Local variable
    print(global_var)  # Accessing global variable inside the function

#print(local_var)  # This would cause an error because local_var is not defined outside the function

print(global_var)  # This is okay 

Modifying Global Variables Inside a Function

If you want to modify a global variable inside a function, you need to use the global keyword. Without it, Python will create a new local variable with the same name.

 count = 0

def increment():
    global count  # Declare that we want to use the global 'count'
    count = count + 1

increment()  # Prints 1
increment()  # Prints 2 

Without the global count line, increment() would create a new *local* variable called `count`, initialized to zero each time it is called, leaving the global `count` unchanged.

Example: A Reusable Calculation

Here's a practical example of a function that calculates the area of a rectangle:

 def calculate_rectangle_area(length, width):
    area = length * width
    return area

rectangle1_area = calculate_rectangle_area(5, 10)
rectangle2_area = calculate_rectangle_area(8, 12)

print("Area of rectangle 1:", rectangle1_area)
print("Area of rectangle 2:", rectangle2_area) 

This function can be reused with different lengths and widths to calculate the area of various rectangles.


Functions are a fundamental building block in Python programming. By understanding how to define, call, and use parameters and return values, you can write more organized, reusable, and maintainable code.