Providers: Dependency Injection in NestJS
Understanding providers (services, repositories, factories, etc.), injecting dependencies, and the scope of providers.
NestJS Provider Scopes
Scope of Providers
In NestJS, the scope of a provider determines its lifecycle and how it is shared across different parts of your application. Providers, such as services, repositories, or configurations, are typically singletons within a module. However, NestJS offers different scopes to control this behavior, allowing you to manage how instances are created and reused.
Understanding provider scopes is crucial for efficient resource management, preventing unintended side effects, and optimizing your application's performance. Choosing the right scope ensures that your dependencies are handled in a way that aligns with their purpose and the context in which they are used.
Different Scopes in NestJS
1. Default Scope (Singleton)
The default scope in NestJS is the singleton scope. When a provider is registered without explicitly specifying a scope, it is treated as a singleton. This means that NestJS creates a single instance of the provider and shares it across the entire application (or at least within the module where it's defined).
- One instance per module: Only one instance of the provider is created per module.
- Application-wide shared state: The same instance is injected into all components (controllers, services, etc.) that depend on it.
- Long-lived: The instance persists throughout the application's lifecycle.
Use Cases:
- Configuration services (e.g., reading settings from a file).
- Database connection pools (e.g., a single connection pool is sufficient for most operations).
- Logging services (e.g., a single logger instance for the entire application).
- Caching services.
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
@Injectable() // Default scope (singleton)
export class MySingletonService {
private data: string = 'Initial Data';
getData(): string {
setData(newData: string): void { = newData;
2. Request-Scoped
Request-scoped providers are instantiated once per incoming request. This means that a new instance of the provider is created for each HTTP request (or other request-like context) that your application handles.
- One instance per request: A new instance is created for each incoming request.
- Request-specific state: Allows you to store data that is specific to a particular request.
- Short-lived: The instance exists only for the duration of the request.
Use Cases:
- Authentication and authorization services (e.g., storing user information for the current request).
- Request context data (e.g., request ID, correlation ID, user agent).
- Data access objects (DAOs) or repositories that need to track changes within a single request transaction.
import { Injectable, Scope } from '@nestjs/common';
@Injectable({ scope: Scope.REQUEST })
export class MyRequestScopedService {
private requestId: string;
constructor() {
this.requestId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); // Generate a random ID
getRequestId(): string {
return this.requestId;
Note: Request-scoped providers require you to use the `REQUEST` context. You'll generally need to be within a context where there's an active request (e.g., inside a controller's handler method) to inject them.
3. Transient-Scoped
Transient-scoped providers are not shared at all. Each time a dependency is resolved, a new instance of the provider is created. This means that even if the same provider is injected multiple times within the same request, each injection will receive a different instance.
- New instance per injection: A new instance is created every time the provider is injected.
- No shared state: Each instance operates independently without sharing data with other instances.
- Shortest-lived: Instances exist only for the immediate purpose of the component that uses them.
Use Cases:
- Stateless utilities where each invocation needs its own dedicated resource.
- Object factories that generate new objects on demand.
- Situations where sharing state between injected instances would be problematic or undesirable.
import { Injectable, Scope } from '@nestjs/common';
@Injectable({ scope: Scope.TRANSIENT })
export class MyTransientService {
private timestamp: number;
constructor() {
this.timestamp =;
getTimestamp(): number {
return this.timestamp;
Choosing the Appropriate Scope
Selecting the correct scope for your providers is crucial for performance, resource management, and preventing unexpected behavior. Here's a guide to help you decide:
- Singleton (Default): Use the default scope for providers that manage application-wide state, configurations, or shared resources. Avoid using singleton providers to store request-specific data. These are generally things that don't need to be different for each request.
- Request-Scoped: Utilize request-scoped providers for situations where you need to store or process information related to a specific request. Examples include user authentication details, request IDs, or transaction-specific data.
- Transient-Scoped: Choose transient-scoped providers when you need a fresh, independent instance each time the provider is injected. This is useful for stateless utilities or object factories where sharing state would be detrimental.
Consider these factors when making your decision:
- State management: Does the provider need to manage shared state? If so, the default scope might be appropriate. If it needs to manage request-specific state, use the request scope. If no state is required at all, transient scope might be ideal.
- Resource usage: Creating new instances for each request or injection has performance implications. Weigh the trade-offs between isolation and resource consumption. Singletons are generally the most efficient.
- Concurrency: If your provider handles concurrent operations, consider whether sharing instances could lead to race conditions or other synchronization issues. Request or transient scopes can help mitigate these risks.
By carefully considering these factors, you can select the appropriate scope for each of your NestJS providers, ensuring that your application is efficient, maintainable, and scalable.