Sorting and Grouping Data

Understand how to sort your data using the ORDER BY clause and group data using the GROUP BY clause. We'll cover different sorting orders and aggregate functions for grouped data.

Mastering MySQL: The ORDER BY Clause

The ORDER BY Clause: Sorting Data

The ORDER BY clause in MySQL is used to sort the results of a query in ascending or descending order based on one or more columns. This allows you to present your data in a meaningful and easily digestible format. Without ORDER BY, the order of the results is not guaranteed.


The basic syntax of the ORDER BY clause is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column_name [ASC | DESC]; 
  • SELECT column1, column2, ...: Specifies the columns you want to retrieve from the table.
  • FROM table_name: Specifies the table from which you are retrieving data.
  • ORDER BY column_name: Specifies the column you want to use for sorting.
  • ASC: Specifies ascending order (from smallest to largest). This is the default if ASC or DESC is not specified.
  • DESC: Specifies descending order (from largest to smallest).

Sorting in Ascending Order (ASC)

To sort data in ascending order, you can use the ASC keyword. If you omit the ASC keyword, MySQL will sort the data in ascending order by default.


FROM customers
ORDER BY last_name ASC; 

This query will retrieve all columns and rows from the customers table and sort the results alphabetically by the last_name column.

Sorting in Descending Order (DESC)

To sort data in descending order, you can use the DESC keyword.


FROM products

This query will retrieve all columns and rows from the products table and sort the results by the price column, with the most expensive products appearing first.

Sorting by Multiple Columns

You can sort data by multiple columns by specifying them in the ORDER BY clause, separated by commas. The sorting will be performed based on the order of the columns listed.


FROM employees
ORDER BY department, last_name; 

This query will first sort the results by the department column. Within each department, the results will be sorted alphabetically by the last_name column.

You can also specify different sorting orders (ASC or DESC) for each column:

FROM employees
ORDER BY department ASC, salary DESC; 

This query will sort the employees first by department in ascending order, and then within each department, it will sort by salary in descending order (highest salary first).

Practical Considerations

  • Performance: Sorting a large dataset can be resource-intensive. Consider using indexes on the columns used for sorting to improve performance.
  • NULL Values: How NULL values are handled depends on the database system. In MySQL, by default, NULL values are considered smaller than other values when sorting in ascending order and larger when sorting in descending order.