CSS Transitions and Animations

A basic introduction to creating simple CSS transitions and animations to enhance user experience.

Transitioning and Animating Complex Properties


This page demonstrates how to transition and animate more complex CSS properties such as box-shadow, text-shadow, and gradients. It also shows the use of cubic-bezier functions for creating custom animation timing.

Box-shadow Transition


This example shows a smooth transition of the box-shadow property on hover.

Text-shadow Transition


This example demonstrates the transition of the text-shadow property, including a color change.

Gradient Transition


This example shows how to animate a background gradient by transitioning the background-image property.

Cubic-bezier Timing


This example uses a custom cubic-bezier curve to create a unique and exaggerated bounce effect for the box-shadow transition.


CSS transitions and animations can be used to create smooth visual effects on web pages. While basic properties like width, height, and opacity are commonly transitioned, more complex properties like box-shadow, text-shadow, and background-image (gradients) can also be animated effectively.

Here's a breakdown:

  • Transitioning Complex Properties: You transition these properties just like any other, using the transition CSS property. The key is that the browser needs to be able to interpolate between the starting and ending values. For example, changing a box-shadow from a subtle shadow to a more prominent one is easily interpolated. Similarly, gradients can be transitioned smoothly.
  • Cubic-bezier: The cubic-bezier() function allows you to define custom timing functions for your transitions. It takes four values that define two control points of a cubic Bezier curve. These control points influence the speed curve of the transition. This lets you create effects like bounce, ease-in-out-back, and other unique timing variations. Tools like cubic-bezier.com can help you visualize and create these curves.