Graph Algorithms: Breadth-First Search (BFS) in Java
Implementation and applications of Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm in Java for graph traversal and solving problems like shortest path in unweighted graphs.
Breadth-First Search (BFS) Applications in Competitive Programming (Java)
Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a fundamental graph traversal algorithm that explores a graph level by level. It starts at a given source node and visits all its neighbors before moving to the next level of neighbors. This approach makes it particularly suitable for finding the shortest path in unweighted graphs and solving various problems that require exploring all reachable nodes in a systematic manner.
Applications of BFS
BFS is a versatile algorithm with numerous applications in computer science and beyond. Here are some prominent examples:
- Shortest Path in Unweighted Graphs: The classic application of BFS. Since it explores the graph level by level, the first time it reaches a destination node, the path taken is guaranteed to be the shortest path (in terms of the number of edges).
- Web Crawling: Search engines use BFS (or variations of it) to crawl the web. Starting from a set of seed URLs, the crawler visits each page, extracts the links on that page, and adds those links to the queue for future exploration.
- Social Network Analysis: BFS can be used to find the friends of friends, or the connections between two individuals in a social network. For example, determining the "degrees of separation" between two users.
- Solving Puzzle Games: Many puzzle games, such as mazes, the 8-puzzle, and Rubik's Cube (simplified versions), can be modeled as graphs where the nodes represent states of the puzzle and the edges represent valid moves. BFS can be used to find the shortest sequence of moves to solve the puzzle.
- Network Routing: BFS can be used to find the shortest path (in terms of hops) between two nodes in a network.
- Finding Connected Components: BFS can efficiently find all the connected components in an undirected graph. Starting from an unvisited node, BFS explores all reachable nodes in that component.
- Flood Fill Algorithm: Used in image processing to identify and fill connected regions with a specific color. The image can be represented as a graph where adjacent pixels are connected.
Real-World Applications Explored with Java Solutions
1. Shortest Path in a Maze
Problem: Given a maze represented as a 2D grid, find the shortest path from a starting point to an ending point. Walls are represented by #
and open paths by .
import java.util.*;
class MazeSolver {
static class Node {
int row, col, dist;
public Node(int row, int col, int dist) {
this.row = row;
this.col = col;
this.dist = dist;
public static int shortestPath(char[][] maze, int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol) {
int rows = maze.length;
int cols = maze[0].length;
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[rows][cols];
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
queue.offer(new Node(startRow, startCol, 0));
visited[startRow][startCol] = true;
int[] dr = {0, 0, 1, -1}; // Directions: right, left, down, up
int[] dc = {1, -1, 0, 0};
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Node current = queue.poll();
int row = current.row;
int col = current.col;
int dist = current.dist;
if (row == endRow && col == endCol) {
return dist;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int newRow = row + dr[i];
int newCol = col + dc[i];
if (newRow >= 0 && newRow < rows && newCol >= 0 && newCol < cols &&
maze[newRow][newCol] == '.' && !visited[newRow][newCol]) {
queue.offer(new Node(newRow, newCol, dist + 1));
visited[newRow][newCol] = true;
return -1; // No path found
public static void main(String[] args) {
char[][] maze = {
{'.', '#', '.', '.'},
{'.', '#', '.', '#'},
{'.', '.', '.', '.'},
{'#', '.', '#', '.'}
int startRow = 0, startCol = 0;
int endRow = 3, endCol = 3;
int shortestPathLength = shortestPath(maze, startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol);
if (shortestPathLength != -1) {
System.out.println("Shortest path length: " + shortestPathLength);
} else {
System.out.println("No path found.");
Explanation: The Java code implements BFS to find the shortest path in a maze represented by a 2D character array. A queue stores the nodes to be visited, and a 2D boolean array keeps track of visited cells. The algorithm explores the maze level by level, considering valid moves (up, down, left, right) until the destination is reached or the queue is empty. Each node in the queue stores its row, column, and distance from the starting point.
2. Social Network Connections
Problem: Determine the distance (number of connections) between two people in a social network.
import java.util.*;
class SocialNetwork {
public static int distanceBetweenPeople(Map<String, List<String>> graph, String person1, String person2) {
if (!graph.containsKey(person1) || !graph.containsKey(person2)) {
return -1; // One or both persons not in the network
Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<>();
Map<String, Integer> distance = new HashMap<>();
Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
distance.put(person1, 0);
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
String currentPerson = queue.poll();
if (currentPerson.equals(person2)) {
return distance.get(person2);
List<String> friends = graph.get(currentPerson);
if (friends != null) {
for (String friend : friends) {
if (!visited.contains(friend)) {
distance.put(friend, distance.get(currentPerson) + 1);
return -1; // No connection found
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, List<String>> network = new HashMap<>();
network.put("Alice", Arrays.asList("Bob", "Charlie"));
network.put("Bob", Arrays.asList("Alice", "David", "Eve"));
network.put("Charlie", Arrays.asList("Alice", "Frank"));
network.put("David", Arrays.asList("Bob", "Grace"));
network.put("Eve", Arrays.asList("Bob"));
network.put("Frank", Arrays.asList("Charlie"));
network.put("Grace", Arrays.asList("David"));
String person1 = "Alice";
String person2 = "Grace";
int connectionDistance = distanceBetweenPeople(network, person1, person2);
if (connectionDistance != -1) {
System.out.println("Distance between " + person1 + " and " + person2 + ": " + connectionDistance);
} else {
System.out.println("No connection found between " + person1 + " and " + person2);
Explanation: The `SocialNetwork` class uses BFS to find the distance between two people in a social network. The network is represented as a map where keys are people's names, and values are lists of their friends. The algorithm maintains a queue of people to visit, a map to store distances from the starting person, and a set to track visited people. BFS explores the network level by level until the target person is found or the queue is empty.
3. Solving the 8-Puzzle
Problem: Solve the classic 8-puzzle using BFS. The 8-puzzle consists of a 3x3 grid with 8 numbered tiles and one blank space. The goal is to rearrange the tiles to reach a specific target configuration.
(A complete Java solution for the 8-puzzle would be quite lengthy and is better suited for a dedicated tutorial. The following is a conceptual outline.)
Conceptual Outline:
- State Representation: Represent the puzzle state (arrangement of tiles) as a string or an array.
- Valid Moves: Define the possible moves based on the location of the blank space (swap the blank space with an adjacent tile).
- BFS Implementation:
- Start with the initial state and add it to the queue.
- Use a set to keep track of visited states to avoid cycles.
- While the queue is not empty:
- Dequeue a state.
- If the state is the goal state, return the path (sequence of moves).
- Generate all valid neighbor states (by applying valid moves).
- For each neighbor state:
- If the state has not been visited:
- Add the state to the queue.
- Record the parent state (to reconstruct the path later).
- If the state has not been visited:
- If the queue is empty, there is no solution.
Important Considerations:
- State Space: The state space of the 8-puzzle can be quite large, so efficient data structures (e.g., hash sets) are crucial for performance.
- Heuristics: For more complex puzzles (e.g., the 15-puzzle), informed search algorithms like A* search, which use heuristics to guide the search, are generally more efficient than BFS.
BFS is a powerful and widely applicable algorithm that is essential for any competitive programmer. Understanding its principles and common applications allows you to solve a wide range of problems efficiently. The Java examples provided illustrate how BFS can be implemented and applied to solve real-world scenarios.