Introduction to Go

Welcome to Go! This lesson covers the history, goals, and advantages of using the Go programming language. We'll also discuss setting up your development environment.

Welcome to Go!

Introduction to Go

This lesson covers the history, goals, and advantages of using the Go programming language. We'll also discuss setting up your development environment.

Go Language Basics

[**Content about Go Language Basics will go here. This should be replaced with specific information on topics like data types, variables, operators, control flow, functions, etc. Be descriptive and provide code examples when possible.**]


 package main

            import "fmt"

            func main() {
                fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

This simple program prints "Hello, World!" to the console. Let's break it down...

Data Types

Go has several built-in data types, including integers, floats, strings, and booleans.


Variables are declared using the var keyword or using short variable declaration (:=).