Middleware in Express.js

Understand the concept of middleware in Express.js and how to use it for various tasks like authentication, logging, and request modification.

Mastering Express.js: Middleware

What is Middleware in Express.js?

In Express.js, middleware functions are functions that have access to the request object (req), the response object (res), and the next middleware function in the application’s request-response cycle. They are essentially the "glue" that holds your Express application together.

Middleware functions can perform the following tasks:

  • Execute any code.
  • Make changes to the request and the response objects.
  • End the request-response cycle.
  • Call the next middleware function in the stack.

Think of middleware as a series of stations on an assembly line. Each station (middleware function) can inspect and potentially modify the product (the request and response) before passing it on to the next station.

How Middleware Works

Middleware functions are executed sequentially in the order they are added to your Express application. The next() function is crucial; it's what signals to Express to move on to the next middleware in the chain. If next() is not called, the request-response cycle will stall, and the client's request will never be fulfilled (resulting in a timeout).

Here's a simplified illustration of how middleware functions interact:

 Request --> Middleware 1 --> Middleware 2 --> ... --> Route Handler --> Response 

Types of Middleware

Express.js provides several ways to use middleware:

  • Application-level Middleware: Bound to the app instance using app.use(). They apply to all requests or requests matching a specific path.
  • Router-level Middleware: Bound to a Router instance using router.use(). They only apply to requests that go through that router.
  • Route-specific Middleware: Defined directly within a route handler, applying only to that specific route.
  • Error-handling Middleware: Special middleware functions that handle errors. They have four arguments: (err, req, res, next).
  • Third-party Middleware: Middleware functions that are packaged separately and can be installed via npm. Examples include body-parser, morgan, and cookie-parser.

Using Middleware for Various Tasks


Middleware is commonly used for authentication. An authentication middleware function checks if the user is authenticated (e.g., by verifying a JWT token). If authenticated, it calls next() to allow the request to proceed. If not authenticated, it sends an error response.

 // Authentication middleware example
            function authenticateToken(req, res, next) {
              const authHeader = req.headers['authorization'];
              const token = authHeader && authHeader.split(' ')[1];

              if (token == null) return res.sendStatus(401); // No token

              jwt.verify(token, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, (err, user) => {
                if (err) return res.sendStatus(403); // Invalid token

                req.user = user;
                next(); // Pass the user to the next handler

            // Example route using the authentication middleware
            app.get('/protected', authenticateToken, (req, res) => {
              res.json({ message: 'This route is protected!', user: req.user });


Logging middleware can record information about each request, such as the timestamp, HTTP method, URL, and user IP address. This is extremely useful for debugging and monitoring your application. morgan is a popular third-party logging middleware.

 // Example using morgan for logging (requires installing morgan: npm install morgan)
            const morgan = require('morgan');

            // Log all requests to the console in 'dev' format

Request Modification

Middleware can modify the request object before it reaches the route handler. For example, you might use middleware to parse the request body (e.g., using body-parser to parse JSON or URL-encoded data) or to sanitize user input to prevent security vulnerabilities.

 // Example using body-parser to parse JSON request bodies (requires installing body-parser: npm install body-parser)
            const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

            app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Parse JSON bodies
            app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // Parse URL-encoded bodies

            app.post('/submit-data', (req, res) => {
              // req.body now contains the parsed data
              res.send('Data received!');

Error Handling Middleware

Error handling middleware functions are designed to catch and handle errors that occur during the request-response cycle. They are defined in the same way as regular middleware functions, but they take four arguments instead of three: (err, req, res, next). Express recognizes middleware functions with four arguments as error-handling middleware.

 // Example error handling middleware
            app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
              console.error(err.stack); // Log the error stack
              res.status(500).send('Something broke!');

The error-handling middleware should be placed after all other app.use() calls and route definitions. This ensures that it catches any errors that occur in those previous middleware functions or route handlers.

Best Practices for Using Middleware

  • Order matters: The order in which you define your middleware functions is crucial. Place middleware that needs to run early (like logging or authentication) before middleware that depends on it (like route handlers).
  • Keep it focused: Each middleware function should have a clear and specific purpose. Avoid writing overly complex middleware that tries to do too much.
  • Handle errors gracefully: Always include error handling middleware to catch and handle unexpected errors.
  • Use third-party middleware wisely: Leverage the power of third-party middleware when appropriate, but always choose reputable and well-maintained packages.
  • Document your middleware: Clearly document the purpose and functionality of your custom middleware functions.